Education – Viện Đào tạo Quốc t?/title> <atom:link href="//" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" /> <link>//</link> <description>Một trang web mới của Đại học Hoa Sen</description> <lastBuildDate>Wed, 16 Aug 2023 03:06:06 +0000</lastBuildDate> <language>en-GB</language> <sy:updatePeriod> hourly </sy:updatePeriod> <sy:updateFrequency> 1 </sy:updateFrequency> <item> <title>DMU Bachelor of Marketing (UK) // Wed, 16 Aug 2023 03:05:20 +0000 //


As a British public university with an advanced curriculum and high-quality training, DMU has been:

?Ranked Gold ?the highest ranking for teaching quality in 2017

?Top 15 Universities in the UK towards the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (according to T.H.E Impact Rankings 2020).

?The university is ranked in the top 3% of the world’s universities and the top 1.5% of global universities for international impact in the Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2017.

?Top 1 graduate employability according to Times Higher Education. The rate of students having jobs after graduation is 96.7%. There are many alumni at the school who are holding important positions in leading corporations and organizations in the world such as Warner Bros, Walt Disney, IBM, Adidas, etc.


The program’s strength compared to other places

  • The entire program is taught in English;
  • The teaching staff are domestic and foreign experts with long experience in the industry;
  • Study and research under the guidance of domestic and foreign experts;
  • Dynamic, multi-national, and multi-cultural learning environment;
  • Diverse career options in multinational organizations in the nation and abroad.
  • The degree is recognized globally by leading professional marketing associations worldwide, including the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) and the Data and Marketing Institute in the UK.


Program train senior human resources for Marketing in the country and the world. Graduates will be able to participate in activities in the field of Marketing such as:

  • Brand Manager
  • Communications Director
  • Manager/Communication Specialist
  • Content marketing
  • Creative Specialist
  • Media planner
  • Customer relationship management (account manager)
  • Market Research Specialist
  • Marketing Assistant/Designer
  • International Marketing Specialist



Applicants: Candidates must qualify ONE (1) OUT OF THE FOLLOWING conditions:

(1) Candidates who graduated high school with B2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages or equivalent and valid until the time of receiving the application as well as meet the program requirements.

(2) Candidates who have graduated from an international high school program taught in English in Vietnam or abroad or candidates who graduated high school with English IELTS 5.0 or B2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages or equivalent and valid until the time of receiving the application as well as meet the program requirements.

(3) The candidate has graduated from high school and meets the program’s admission requirements.

(*) If the candidates have not had any English certificate yet, they could take the English test at school.

(**) The National High School exam’s result is deployed for the October course and the next year’s March course

Admission form:

Subject (1) & (2): Admission of registration documents

Subject (3): Candidate joins the examination which is organized by Hoa Sen University

II. Duration and degree:

Students will study for 4 years. The graduated student will be awarded the Bachelor’s degree in International Business by De Montfort University Leicester.

III. Information on the application

1. Application:

  • 03 photocopy (*) of a high school diploma.
  • 02 photocopy (*) of Identity card.
  • 01 photocopy (*) of the International English Certificate (for candidates who skipped the English test).
  • 01 photocopy (*) of 3-year high school reports.
  • 01 photocopy of birth certificate.
  • 02 3×4 figure.
  • 04 4×6 figure.

(*) Candidates bring the original for verification or submit a notarized copy. Candidates add notarized Vietnamese translation for foreign language documents (if have one) when submitting admission documents.

2. Tuition: 

  • First year: 90.000.000 VND
  • From 2nd year: 125.000.000VND/year.  

3. Location of consultation and receipt of documents

Office: Room 1007 – 10th Floor, 08 Nguyen Van Trang, Ben Thanh Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City
Phone: 028 7309 1991 (Ext. 4792)
Hotline: 0888 275 276
Email: [email protected]
Website: //
Facebook: //


  • The program provides students with international marketing knowledge with practical applications in Vietnam. In addition, students will apply appropriate technical methods to develop marketing solutions to the challenges faced by some of the largest companies in the world. In year 3, students also have the opportunity to research emerging trends and gain real-world experience through international projects in the UK and internationally.
  • The DMU program is a methodical combination of advanced management science with professional experience in the international marketing industry. At the end of the program, students will be developed in different areas of marketing, the relationship between them and their application in practice such as knowledge of customers, markets, brands, market research and marketing strategy.



Standard 4 years. Consist of 8 semesters including 2 semesters of general program and 6 semesters of intensive program.

The entire program is 100% English teaching, according to the training technology transferred by De Montfort University. The program was developed to comply with DMU’s 2030 education strategy, which simplifies the “study by module” timetable; students will study one subject at a time to allow them to focus on learning and researching.

  • Year 1: Students improve their English as well as their study abilities and specialized knowledge. To overcome the language barrier and integrate into the native curriculum, first-year students will spend the first semester acquiring academic English and developing communication skills in daily life. In addition, DMU will offer foundation programs such as specialized studies as well as opportunities to practice skills such as presenting, group work, and independent research.
  • Year 2: The program provides an overview of the Marketing industry based on real-life examples and practical exercises. Students grasp the basic principles, operating principles of the industry to be able to make timely marketing decisions in the constantly changing environment of the market.
  • Year 3: Through year 3, students develop brand management skills, teamwork skills, and the ability to search for information and knowledge to meet market demands.
  • Year 4: 4th-year students are equipped to adapt to market changes through flexible and confident observation. The program always creates diverse practical experience programs on a global scale for students to have the opportunity to learn, practice and interact with businesses.

Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 4
English for Purpose 1Fundamentals of Organizations and Markets in a Global ContextBrand ManagementMarketing Strategy and Analytics
English for Purpose 2Principles of MarketingCustomer Insight: Consumer Behavior and ResearchEngagement Marketing: Communities, Content and Creavity
Academic and Study SkillsDecision Making for MarketingIntegrated Marketing CommunicationsChoose 1 in 2 following subject
Maths Study Skills: Quantitative MethodsMarketing in Action: Social, Environmental and Digital ImpactContemporary Issues in MarketingCritical Perspectives in Marketing
The Context of BusinessMarketing Innovation
Choose 1 in 2 following subject
Brand Portfolio
Education – Viện Đào tạo Quốc t?/title> <atom:link href="//" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" /> <link>//</link> <description>Một trang web mới của Đại học Hoa Sen</description> <lastBuildDate>Wed, 16 Aug 2023 03:06:06 +0000</lastBuildDate> <language>en-GB</language> <sy:updatePeriod> hourly </sy:updatePeriod> <sy:updateFrequency> 1 </sy:updateFrequency> <item> <title>DMU Bachelor of Marketing (UK) // Wed, 16 Aug 2023 02:54:20 +0000 //


DMU is a public university in the United Kingdom with an innovative curriculum and excellent training:

  • Ranked Gold ?the highest ranking for teaching quality in 2017
  • Top 15 Universities in the UK towards the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (according to T.H.E Impact Rankings 2020).
  • According to the 2017 Times Higher Education World University Rankings, DMU is among the top 3% of universities in the world and the top 1.5% of global universities for its international impact.
  • Top 1 graduate employability, according to Times Higher Education. After graduation, 96.7% of students have jobs. Many of the school’s alumni today hold significant positions in well-known companies and organizations around the world, including Warner Bros., Disney, IBM, Adidas, etc.
  • The program is accredited by ACCA and CIMA.


Program’s advantages in others comparing

  • 100% English teaching
  • Lectures are local and foreign experts with many years of experience within the industry
  • Study and research under the direction of local and international authorities
  • Dynamic, international, and multicultural study environment
  • Career alternatives are diverse in both domestic and international multinational corporations.


High-level human resource training program for the domestic and worldwide accounting business. Graduates will be qualified to engage in such activities as:

  • Accountant/ Audit/ Tax expert
  • Main consultant
  • Tellers/ Bank controller
  • Chief Accountant
  • Chief Financial Officer
  • Financial Management
  • Financial Inspectorate
  • Researcher



Applicants: Candidates must meet TWO (2) OF THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS:

  1. Candidates who have an English level equivalent to B2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages or equivalent and valid until the time of receiving the application as well as meet the program requirements. 
  2. Graduates of the HSU accounting program who choose to enroll in the DMU top-up program will be excluded from the DMU-accredited HSU accounting program’s required courses and will instead take five additional DMU accounting courses.
  3. Students who are enrolled in the three-year, DMU-accredited HSU accounting program and wish to continue their education in the top-up program will not be required to take the HSU accounting courses. DMU’s accounting program’s top-up final year.
  4. Economics majors enrolled in the three-year, DMU-accredited HSU accounting program as well as other universities will be excluded from the equivalent curriculum and will finish the necessary courses. the rest of the HSU curriculum (if applicable). Following that, candidates will continue their studies in the DMU accounting program’s top-up final year.

(*) If you do not have an English certificate, you can join the English learning program organized at the university

Admission form:

Subject (1) & (2): Examination of the registration documents

Subject (1) & (3): Examination of the registration documents

Subject (1) & (4): Examination of the registration documents

Subject (*): Candidate joins the English program, which is organized by Hoa Sen University

II. Duration and degree:

Participants in the program will complete one year of study. De Montfort University in the UK will award graduates with a Bachelor of Accounting (Bachelor’s degree in Accounting).

III. Information on the application

  1. Application
  • 03 photocopy (*) of a high school diploma.
  • 02 photocopy (*) of Identity card.
  • 01 photocopy (*) of the International English Certificate (for candidates who skipped the English test).
  • 01 photocopy (*) of 3-year high school reports.
  • 01 photocopy of the birth certificate.
  • 02 3×4 figure.
  • 04 4×6 figure.

(*) Candidates must bring the original for verification or submit a notarized copy. Candidates should add a notarized Vietnamese translation for foreign language documents (if have one) when submitting admission documents. 

2. Tuition: 125.000.000 VND

3. Location of consultation and receipt of documents

  • Room 1007 Admission counseling for DMU program
  • No. 08 Nguyen Van Trang, Ben Thanh Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City
  • Phone: 028 7309 1991 (external number: 4792) ?Hotline: 093 714 3510
  • Email: i[email protected]
  • Website: /


  • The training curriculum is founded on the idea of “theory coupled with practice,” which combines the academic method with the real-world applications of the accounting profession and its interactions with other sectors of society. Students have the chance to study accounting topics in the context of contemporary, globally oriented companies.
  • The first three years of the HSU program and the final year of the DMU program are both available for study. Students in this dual training program receive training in both the Vietnamese standard system and the international standard system of accounting, giving them a wide range of options when selecting a career and working environment. later work. The value of a university degree from DMU is recognized all over the world, which makes students more competitive in the job market.
  • The students who finish the 4-year full-time training program at HSU and the 1-year top-up program at DMU will receive dual degrees from both institutions.



The 4-year regular system consists of eight semesters.

The entire program is 100% English teaching, according to the training technology transferred by DMU University:

  • Year 1: Students have a general understanding of computer technology, law, foreign languages, and social sciences to improve their research skills. The curriculum will also teach independent thinking abilities and self-study skills so that participants can actively acquire new sources of knowledge relevant to their professions and the advancement of society.
  • Year 2: Students are well-versed in the theories, concepts, ideals, and methods of accounting that are employed in Vietnam’s political, legal, and economic systems. By the end of the second year, the students have acquired the ability to analyze financial accounting data and have learned how to use it.
  • Year 3: Students have a thorough understanding of accounting and auditing to pursue jobs in accounting, auditing, tax, and consulting; they also possess the reporting, analyzing, and evaluating skills to assist organizations in efficiently managing their resources and coming to conclusions. Students acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to assess how financial management, risk, and the operation of capital markets are applied by the conclusion of the third year.
  • Year 4: The curriculum covers information on worldwide accounting standards for taxation, financial reporting, corporate finance, and efficient corporate governance. By the end of the program, students will have a general understanding of both the Vietnamese and international accounting systems as well as a professional working approach.
Education – Viện Đào tạo Quốc t?/title> <atom:link href="//" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" /> <link>//</link> <description>Một trang web mới của Đại học Hoa Sen</description> <lastBuildDate>Wed, 16 Aug 2023 03:06:06 +0000</lastBuildDate> <language>en-GB</language> <sy:updatePeriod> hourly </sy:updatePeriod> <sy:updateFrequency> 1 </sy:updateFrequency> <item> <title>DMU Bachelor of Marketing (UK) // Wed, 16 Aug 2023 02:41:46 +0000 //


As a British public university with an advanced curriculum and high-quality training, DMU has been:

?Ranked Gold – the highest ranking for teaching quality in 2017

?Top 15 Universities in the UK towards the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (according to T.H.E Impact Rankings 2020).

?The university is ranked in the top 3% of the world’s universities and the top 1.5% of global universities for international impact in the Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2017.

?Top 1 graduate employability according to Times Higher Education. The rate of students having jobs after graduation is 96.7%. There are many alumni at the school who hold important positions in leading corporations and organizations around the world, such as Warner Bros, Walt Disney, IBM, Adidas, etc.


The program’s strength compared to other places

?The entire program is taught in English;

?The teaching staff are domestic and foreign experts with long experience in the industry;

?Study and research under the guidance of domestic and foreign experts;

?Dynamic, multi-national, and multi-cultural learning environment;

?Diverse career options in multinational organizations in the nation and abroad.


Program train senior human resources for international business in the country and around the world. Graduates will be able to participate in activities in the field of international business, such as:

  • Market Research Specialist/ Business Planning Policies
  • International Marketing Specialist
  • Supply chain management specialist / International business administration
  • Foreign Investment Expect
  • Trade Promotion Specialist / Commercial Law
  • Multicultural human resource management
  • International business administration
  • Export-Import Staff
  • Start up a business in the field of import and export of goods



Applicants: Candidates must meet ONE (1) OF THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS:

(1) Candidates who graduated high school with B2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages or equivalent and valid until the time of receiving the application as well as meet the program requirements.

(2) Candidates who have graduated from an international high school program taught in English in Vietnam or abroad or candidates who graduated high school with English IELTS 5.5 or B2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages or equivalent and valid until the time of receiving the application as well as meet the program requirements.

(3) The candidate has graduated from high school and meets the program’s admission requirements.

(*) If the candidates have not had any English certificates yet, they can take the English test at school.

(**) The National High School exam’s result is deployed for the October course and the next year’s March course

Admission form:

Subject (1) & (2): review the application and take part in the capacity examination and interview study dynamic.

Subject (3): candidate joins the examination which is organized by Hoa Sen University

II. Duration and degree:

Students will study for 4 years. The graduated student will be awarded a Bachelor’s degree in International Business by De Montfort University, Leicester.

III. Information on the application

1. Application:

  • 03 photocopy (*) of a high school diploma.
  • 02 photocopies (*) of the identity card.
  • 01 photocopy (*) of the International English Certificate (for candidates who skipped the English test).
  • 01 photocopy (*) of 3-year high school reports.
  • 01 photocopy of the birth certificate.
  • 02 3×4 figure.
  • 04 4×6 figure.

(*) Candidates bring the original for verification or submit a notarized copy. Candidates add notarized Vietnamese translation for foreign language documents (if have one) when submitting admission documents.

2. Tuition:

  • First year: 90.000.000 VND
  • From 2nd year: 125.000.000VND/year.  

3. Location of consultation and receipt of documents

Office: Room 1007 – 10th Floor, 08 Nguyen Van Trang, Ben Thanh Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City
Phone: 028 7309 1991 (Ext. 4792)
Hotline: 0888 275 276
Email: [email protected]
Website: //
Facebook: //


  • The program trains students to be able to work in executive and management positions in the field of international business. In the first year of training, DMU graduates are fluent in English, knowledgeable in management, and have professional skills in all departments of business such as developing critical thinking and research skills. After 3 years of intensive training in international business students are able to meet the requirements of promotion opportunities after a few years of work experience.
  • The DMU program is a methodical combination of advanced management science with professional experience in the business industry. Training effectiveness is enhanced through the immediate application of theoretical knowledge to practical work.



Standard: 4 years. Consist of 8 semesters, including 2 semesters of a general program and 6 semesters of an intensive program.

The entire program is 100% English-taught, according to the training technology transferred by De Montfort University. The program was developed to comply with DMU’s 2030 education strategy, which simplifies the “study by module” timetable; students will study one subject at a time to allow them to focus on learning and researching.

  • Year 1: Students improve their English as well as their study abilities and specialized knowledge. To overcome the language barrier and integrate into the native curriculum, first-year students will spend the first semester acquiring academic English and developing communication skills in daily life. In addition, DMU will offer foundational programs such as specialized studies as well as opportunities to practice skills such as presenting, group work, and independent research.
  • Year 2: Students can understand how businesses function now and in the future; diverse business processes and personal demands in a volatile and complex international business environment. The program trains in the detailed assessment of the internal aspects, functions, strategies, and procedures of businesses of different sizes around the world.
  • Year 3: Students are able to apply and critically reason about diverse international business theories and perspectives to evaluate decisions made in the past. In addition, implement practical decisions in the present, and develop possible scenarios in the future.
  • Year 4: Students have an understanding of project and business management methods in the current context. At the end of the course, students can choose to write a thesis or a specialized project, applying the theory, skills, and knowledge. They have learned to complete it with the guidance of national and international lecturers.
Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 4
IYZInternational BusinessInternational BusinessInternational Business
English for Purpose 1Global Business EnvironmentMultinational Enterprise in the Global EconomyInternational Business Strategy and Governance
English for Purpose 2Business Dynamics, Ethics and CultureData Analytics and Research SkillsInternational Trade Management
Academic and Study SkillsEconomics on
Global Business
International Organisational Behaviour and LeadershipChoose 1 in 2
following subjects:
Maths Study Skills: Quantitative MethodsMarketing for International BusinessChoose 1 in 2
following subjects:
Emerging Markets: Economic Geography and Trends
The Context of Business?/td>International Supply Chain ManagementDimensions of Digital Transformation
?/td>?/td>International Financial Management and Decision MakingChoose 1 in 2
following subjects:

?/p> ]]> Education – Viện Đào tạo Quốc t?/title> <atom:link href="//" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" /> <link>//</link> <description>Một trang web mới của Đại học Hoa Sen</description> <lastBuildDate>Wed, 16 Aug 2023 03:06:06 +0000</lastBuildDate> <language>en-GB</language> <sy:updatePeriod> hourly </sy:updatePeriod> <sy:updateFrequency> 1 </sy:updateFrequency> <item> <title>DMU Bachelor of Marketing (UK) // Fri, 17 Mar 2023 08:40:12 +0000 // OVERVIEW

Vatel’s mission is to train high-quality human resources for the Hospitality Industry. With over 40 years Vatel’s mission is to train well-qualified human resources for the Hospitality Industry. With over 40 years of experience and more than 55 campuses in many countries worldwide, Vatel provides an international standard training program to over 9.000 students. Vatel’s training program is based on the balance of theory, practice, and realistic probation.

Vatel’s advanced curriculum and program quality have been:

  • Recognized as the Top 1 university in France and 11 in the world for training in Hospitality Management on the QS World University Rankings. 
  • awarded 2 titles by Hotel International Association in November 2010: Vatel’s students easily integrate into the Hotel and Profession Service industry after completing the program; 100% of Vatel’s graduated students find a suitable job within 3 months of finishing training courses. 
Student uniform of Vatel ?International Hotel and Restaurant Management program


Program’s advantages in others comparing

  • 100% English teaching
  • Lectures are local and foreign experts with many years of experience within the industry
  • Practice in high–end restaurants and 4 ?5 stars hotel under instructed by hotel specialists
  • Practice and internship count for 70% of the total course
  • Training qualified work skills, spirits, and attitude
  • Participate in the Marco Polo exchange program in the Vatel system of 54 campuses all over the world
  • Dynamic, international, and multicultural study environment
  • Job opportunities diverse in many different hotel departments and restaurants
Students practice at Vatel Saigon Restaurant


Vatel program trains high-quality employees for domestic and Asia Restaurants ?Hotel. Graduated students can work for international hotels and restaurants as coordinators and assistance of coordinator management: 

  • Hotel Manager 
  • Restaurant Manager/ Owner of a Restaurant 
  • Entrepreneur in Restaurant/ Food & Beverage/ Accommodation 
  • Front Office Manager 
  • Human Resource Manager 
  • Sales Manager 
  • F&B Manager/ Event Manager 
  • Human Resources in the tourism industry 
  • Human Resources in Airlines 


I. Applicants and form of admission

Applicants:?/strong>Candidates must qualify ONE (1) OUT OF THE FOLLOWING conditions: 

  1. Candidates who graduated high school with, English IELTS 5.5 or B2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) or equivalent and valid until the time of receiving the application as well as meet the program requirements. 
  2. Candidates who have graduated from an international high school program taught in English in Vietnam or abroad. 
  3. The candidate has graduated from high school and meets the program’s admission requirements. 

(*) If the candidates have not had any English certificate yet, they can take the English test at school. 

(**) The National High School exam’s result is deployed for the October course and the next year’s March course?nbsp;

Admission form:

Subject (1) & (2): review the application and take part in the capacity examination and interview study dynamic. 

Subject (3): candidate joins the examination which is organized by Hoa Sen University and Vatel Hotel & Tourism Business School. The content includes: 

  • English 
  • Test of career suitability 
  • Interview study dynamic 

II. Duration and degree:

Vatel Students will study for 3 years. The graduated student will be awarded the Bachelor’s degree in International Hotel Management by Vatel Hotel & Tourism Business School is part of Vatel Group. 

III. Information on the application

1. Application:

  • 03 photocopy (*) of a high school diploma. 
  • 02 photocopy (*) of Identity card. 
  • 01 photocopy (*) of the International English Certificate (for candidates who skipped the English test). 
  • 01 photocopy (*) of 3-year high school reports. 
  • 01 photocopy of birth certificate. 
  • 02 3×4 figure. 
  • 04 4×6 figure.

(*) Candidates bring the original for verification or submit a notarized copy. Candidates add notarized Vietnamese translation for foreign language documents (if have one) when submitting admission documents.  

2. Timeline: 

ContentCourse 10/2022Course 3/2023 (expected date) 
Submit application formFrom announcement to 21/10/2022 From announcement to 1/3/2023 
Announce result and list of selected studentsFirst phase: August 31, 2022 
Second phase: September 12, 2022 
Third phase: October 21, 2022. 
First phase: January 1, 2023 
Second phase: February 28, 2023 
Third phase: March 1, 2023. 
Apply for admission FromFrom 6/2022 to 21/10/2022 From 1/2022 to 1/3/2023 
Official admissionOctober 24, 2022March 11, 2023

3. Tuition: 119,000,000 VND (not including insurance and uniform fee) 

4. Location

  • Office: Room 1007 – No. 08 Nguyen Van Trang, Ben Thanh Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
  • Phone: 028 7309 1991 (Ext: 11546)
  • Hotline: 093 714 3510 
  • Email: [email protected]?nbsp;
  • Website:?/strong> | | |


Hoa Sen University and Vatel Ho Chi Minh Program each year have many talented scholarships for candidates with excellent English proficiency and interview scores. In addition, Hoa Sen University has many special supports and incentives for students with different economic conditions to help them access the program. 

For more information, please contact: 

Vatel’s Office 

R.1007 ?08 Nguyen Van Trang, District 1 ?HCM 
Tel: 028 73091991 (ext: 11546) ?Hotline: 093 714 3510 


  • The program trains students to be able to work in executive and management positions in the field of international hotel and restaurant tourism. After three years of training, Vatel graduates are fluent in English, knowledgeable in management, and have professional skills in all departments of restaurants and hotels such as F&B, Front Office, Marketing, and Human Resource?and has nearly 1.5 years of practical experience through 3 internships at hotels and resorts at home and abroad. Students are able to meet the requirements of promotion opportunities after a few years of work experience after graduation. 
  • The Vatel program is a methodical combination of advanced management science with professional experience in the hospitality industry and restaurant management. Training effectiveness is enhanced through the immediate application of theoretical knowledge to practical work.



Standard 3 years. Consists of 6 semesters and 3 compulsory internships at hotels (internship period: 4 months in Years I and II, 6 months for an internship in Year III). 

The entire program is 100% English teaching, according to the training technology transferred by Vatel Hotel & Tourism Business School: 

  • Year 1: Students have basic access to knowledge of marketing, human resource management, administration, and specialized culture as well as skills to behave professionally in accordance with other cultures. each to initially become proficient in service, food processing techniques, organization of parties, events, conferences, and how to handle unexpected events that may take place. Students will end the school year with an internship at a hotel. 
  • Year 2: Along with continuing to improve professional theoretical knowledge, students will experience more management skills in specific real-life situations. Students learn to practice in the professional departments of hotels 4 ?5, team management skills will be enhanced through managing a group of 1st-year students, as well as being managed by students. 3rd-year student. At the end of year 2, students will have enough confidence to practice abroad and at the same time perfect their ability to use foreign languages ​​fluently and professionally. 
  • Year 3:?/strong>Students are fully equipped with all the necessary knowledge. At this stage, they are ready for the position of managing a group, right in the Vatel school itself. Students have the ability to evaluate and apply the knowledge they have learned to solve work like real workers. Followed by a 6-month internship specializing in a department that students choose as a future career. All these experiences allow students to become management trainees in high-class Hotels and Restaurants without any hindrance. 
1st Year2nd Year3rd Year
Company EconomicsCurrent Events in The Hospitality IndustryGeopolitics
Computer Sciences 1Computer Sciences 2Computer Sciences 3
F&B EnvironmentEconomic EnvironmentHospitality Sales
English 1 English 2English 3
French 1French 2French 3
Hospitality Industry Environment Economy of TourismMulticultural Management
Human ResourcesHuman Resource 2Human Resource 3
Hygiene and SafetyLegal CultureNegotiation 
Management 1Management 2Introduction to Cost Control
Marketing 1Marketing 2Marketing 3 
Nutrition 1Nutrition 2Taxation
Professional CultureOral CommunicationTourism and Traveling
Self-Image(Worldwide Wine Vintages) Wine, Beer, and Spirits
Kitchen and Pastry practice  
Restaurant practice 

Front office and Housekeeping practice 
Academic research 
Business plan 
4 months 
4 months 
6 months 


Graduates will be Bachelor level and awarded a Bachelor’s degree in International Hotel and Restaurant Management (Manager en Hôtellerie Internationale /Bachelor’s degree in International Hotel Management) from the Vatel Hotel & Tourism Business ?French Republic ?The “Best Hospitality School?in Europe in training hotel and restaurant management. (*Ifop 2007). 


* Ifop 2007: Institut Francais d’Opinion Publique ?The first and leading French Institute for Market Research and Public Opinion with the participation of Hotel managers in Europe) 
