International (Affiliate) network – Viện Đào tạo Quốc t?/title> <atom:link href="//" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" /> <link>//</link> <description>Một trang web mới của Đại học Hoa Sen</description> <lastBuildDate>Thu, 01 Feb 2024 08:05:53 +0000</lastBuildDate> <language>en-GB</language> <sy:updatePeriod> hourly </sy:updatePeriod> <sy:updateFrequency> 1 </sy:updateFrequency> <item> <title>THE DELEGATION OF THE FRENCH EMBASSY VISITED AND WORKED AT HOA SEN UNIVERSITY  // Wed, 16 Aug 2023 04:01:01 +0000 // On February 21, 2023, Professor Dominique Laffly ?Science and Technology Attaché, in charge of universities and research fields, and a delegation from the French Embassy visited and worked at Hoa Sen University (HSU). Receiving the delegation was Dr. Phan Thi Viet Nam – Vice Rector of the school, and leaders of faculties and departments attended.

At the meeting, the two sides discussed cooperation opportunities in potential fields such as cooperation in scientific research, organization of specialized seminars on Innovation, application of AI technology, IoT and big data in research, learning, and technology such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), IOT (Internet of Things), and Big data, Professor Dominique Laffly expressed the impression of particular interest in quality and achievements that HSU’s VATEL international training program has been and is being achieved, at the same time, clearly shows the commitment of the French Embassy in being ready to support HSU to furthermore develop the VATEL program. 

On behalf of the Board of Directors, Dr. Phan Thi Viet Nam – Vice Rector of the school affirmed that HSU will constantly maintain and further develop the VATEL program – which has become a prominent brand of the school. At the same time, HSU is always ready to coordinate with the French Embassy in Vietnam and Consulate in Ho Chi Minh City to organize scientific, cultural, and educational seminars, forums, and events at Hoa Sen University. 
