Application Procedures – Phòng Hợp Tác Quốc T?/title> <atom:link href="//" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" /> <link>//</link> <description>Một trang web mới của Đại học Hoa Sen</description> <lastBuildDate>Tue, 23 Apr 2024 02:02:54 +0000</lastBuildDate> <language>en-GB</language> <sy:updatePeriod> hourly </sy:updatePeriod> <sy:updateFrequency> 1 </sy:updateFrequency> <item> <title>OUTBOUND APPLICATION PROCEDURE GUIDELINE // Mon, 15 Apr 2024 02:12:24 +0000 // ————

The application procedure enables Hoa Sen University students to participate in the Student Exchange Program at international universities worldwide.
The admission and visa applications typically require at least 3-6 months in advance. Therefore, if students need any support, we encourage them to contact the Office of Global Engagement as soon as possible when they receive the Student Exchange Program information.

Step 1 ?Find out about the Student Exchange Programs (SEP)

Process Instruction
1) Students get the information about SEP through communication channels;
2) Students contact to Global Engagement Office for further information;
3) Students read carefully the regulation for SEP.
Students register for a direct consultation schedule regarding the student program via email at [email protected].

Step 2 ? SEP Registration

1) Students must ensure that they meet the necessary and sufficient requirements to participate in the Student Program;
2) Students need to complete the Online Application Form for the program within the specified deadline;
3) Upon meeting the requirements for participation in the Student Program, students will receive a confirmation email along with information about the application form submission process;
4) Students are required to complete the application forms according to the specific deadlines provided by the Global Engagement Office.
1) Students register to participate in the Student Program by submitting the Application Form sent by the Global Engagement Office within the specified timeframe;
2) Students complete the required forms and documents. They should send the original copies directly to the Global Engagement Office at room 705B, Hoa Sen University headquarters, and use their Hoa Sen students’ email to send scanned copies to the Global Engagement Office email address: [email protected].

Step 3 ?Receive The Confirmation Notice From Partner Universities

Process Instruction
After the Global Engagement Office has sent email to Hoa Sen students who meet the all the requirements to participate in the Student Program to international partner schools, the partner units will email to confirm the Application Form and request students to complete the next steps.

Note: Profiles of newly nominated students are not accepted as exchange students.
1) HSU Students will receive emails from partner university and complete the required procedures.
2) HSU Students need to review their study plan at Hoa Sen University (HSU) and find the list of courses offered by the partner university to create two lists:
– Courses that have not been completed in the study plan at HSU;
– Courses offered by the partner university expected to be available in the semester the student will participate in the exchange.
3) Students must complete the procedures for considering equivalent subjects (if any) between Hoa Sen University and the partner University (Follow the requirements of the form).

If a student changes the subject to be considered equivalent while abroad for objective reasons, the student needs to submit the Subject Recognition Form and send it to the Program Director to obtain his/her confirmation. Otherwise, the subject won’t be recognized as equivalent subjects in the HSU curriculum.

Step 4 ?Complete The Application Procedure with Hoa Sen University

1) After completing the documents and forms according to the requirements and deadlines of the partner schools, students will receive a Letter of Acceptance from the partner schools;
2) The Global Engagement Office will submit the necessary documents to the HSU BOD for issuing the Decision of the approval and issuance for students participating in the Student Program at partner university;
3) The Global Engagement Office sends the list and Decisions of students participating in the Student Program to the Office of Academic Affair and Office of Finance and Accounting;
4) The Global Engagement Office will coordinate with the Office of Academic Affair and Office of Finance and Accounting based on the Decision of students participating in the Student Program at partner university;
5) The Office of Academic Affair will review the academic requirements to approve students’ participation in the Student Program and notify the Finance and Accounting Office to create the Student Program code on the student management information system;
6) After completing the necessary steps, students will receive an email about Student exchange program tuition payment from the Finance and Accounting Office;
7) After getting HSU students’ tuition receipts, the Global Engagement Office will send final confirmation of List of HSU Students participating in the Student Exchange program to partner schools.

Note: Failure to provide a tuition receipt within the specified timeframe will result in the cancellation of your acceptance to participate in the student program with partner university.
1) Students are required to email the Letter of Acceptance from the Partner School to the Department of Global Engagement within 3 days of receiving the email;
2) Students must fulfill their tuition obligations within 7-10 days from the date of receiving the email from the Finance and Accounting Office;
3) After receiving the tuition payment receipt from the Finance and Accounting Office, students are required to send the scanned copies to the Office of Global Engagement, then the office is able to send a final confirmation of List of HSU Students participating in the Student Exchange program to partner schools.

Step 5 ?Parents Meetings

1) The Global Engagement Office will send the Final confirmation of the List of HSU students participating in the Student Program to the students;
2) The Global Engagement Office sends the invitation letters to HSU students’ parents and students to attend the official Meeting before students prepare to go abroad.
1) HSU Students’ Parents and students are invited to compulsorily participate in meetings to receive information about the rights and obligations of students as participating in the student program abroad;
2) When attending the meeting, parents need to provide a photocopy of their ID card (no notarization required);
3) HSU Students’ Parents can participate in face-to-face meetings, or if they live far away and traveling is not convenient, they can join online meeting;
4) Students will receive the program information and will be required to sign a Parent Consent Form to agree their children to participate in the Student Program.

Note: If HSU students’ parents do not attend the meeting, it is understood as agreement for students to participate in the Student Program, and a commitment will be added accordingly.

Step 6 ?Visa Application Documents

1) Students need to complete procedures to apply for a student visa according to the instructions and regulations of the consulate. It’s important for students to prepare documents and submit visa applications in a timely manner for admission;
2) The Global Engagement Office will review and provide relevant documents as requested by the consulate to support students in completing their visa applications.

Note: If the Consulate refuses to issue a Visa to the student, the Global Engagement Office will notify Partner Universities to cancel the student’s SEP Application Confirmation according to regulations.
Students must proactively complete documents and forms as soon as they have all the necessary documents, as some countries have visa issuance processes that require a significant amount of time.

– If the student’s visa application is successful, they should send a scanned copy of the visa to the Global Engagement Office for record-keeping;
– If the student’s visa application is unsuccessful, the student should register for HSU courses in accordance with Hoa Sen University’s regulations.

Step 7 ?Follow The Regulation of SEP

Process Instruction
1) ​Students become part of the community of students participating in the Student Program, organized by the Department of International Cooperation;
2) Students consent to sharing information and images on media channels for Hoa Sen University regarding their participation in the Student Program.
1) Students will conduct a survey about the Student Program before completing the program;
2) The Global Engagement Office will send emails to students, requesting survey feedback 4-6 week before the course end date;
3) The Admission letter sent to the student will specify the exact start and end dates of the study period at the partner school.

Step 8 ?Finishing SEP

Students will receive “Course Transcript” from partner universities.

Note: If a student has been approved for an equivalent course, they must submit an original approved forms to Academic Affair Office and they will check and issue a decision regarding exemption from the subject for the student.
The Forms should include:
a) Copy of Decision to participate in SEP;
b) Original academic results/ Course Transcript from partner universities;
c) Original signed Course Equivalent Form.
According to the regulations, to facilitate the school’s arrangement and preparation for getting back to HSU, students are required to send an email to the Global Engagement Office 15 days before the end of the study period, confirming their planned return date to Viet Nam in preparation for studying at Hoa Sen University.

– If a student fails to contact the Global Engagement Office and does not return to Vietnam within 3 weeks after the end of the study time in the SEP, the Global Engagement Office will notify the Parents and send them a letter to remind the students;
– If the student still does not return or contact the Global Engagement Office after 4 weeks from the end of the SEP, HSU will issue the first written warning to the Parents and student;
After 6 weeks from the end of the SEP, if the student still does not return or contact the Global Engagement Office, the Office will propose to the Student Information Center to issue a “Disciplinary Decision” signed be President of Hoa Sen University. Global Engagement Office will be notified to apply disciplinary measures, and students and teachers will also be notified.
Outbound Application Procedure: Click HERE
Outbound SE Form: Click HERE
HSU International Partners: Click HERE


The Office of Global Engagement at HSU is dedicated to fostering and expanding collaborative partnerships with global institutions. Our efforts aim to attract students and faculty members from diverse backgrounds to engage in academic exchanges and research initiatives. We organize a range of global activities, including international workshops, internship opportunities, study exchanges, and collaborative programs.

For more information about our activities and events, please visit our website and Facebook Fanpage [click Here]. If you require further details about our activities, feel free to contact the Office of Global Engagement at room 705B, located at Hoa Sen University Headquarter in Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam. You can also reach us via email at [email protected].

Application Procedures – Phòng Hợp Tác Quốc T?/title> <atom:link href="//" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" /> <link>//</link> <description>Một trang web mới của Đại học Hoa Sen</description> <lastBuildDate>Tue, 23 Apr 2024 02:02:54 +0000</lastBuildDate> <language>en-GB</language> <sy:updatePeriod> hourly </sy:updatePeriod> <sy:updateFrequency> 1 </sy:updateFrequency> <item> <title>OUTBOUND APPLICATION PROCEDURE GUIDELINE // // Thu, 11 Apr 2024 06:39:57 +0000 // ———

With the goal of delivering exceptional experiences to its students, Hoa Sen University (HSU) aims to provide enriching opportunities. The University actively seeks and offers limitless opportunities for international learning, fostering cultural exchange and academic development through collaborations with prestigious educational institutions worldwide, spanning across Europe, Asia, and Australia, etc.

Additionally, international students will have numerous opportunities to study specialized subjects entirely in English alongside HSU students and engage in various captivating cultural exchange experiences during their participation in the Student Exchange Program (SEP) at HSU.


ĐH Hoa Sen t?chức L?khánh thành Tr?s?chính - Đại học Hoa SenHSU is located in the vibrant and bustling city of Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam. Nestled amidst the energetic urban landscape in District 1, the center of the city, HSU enjoys a prime location in the heart of the city’s dynamic atmosphere. Surrounded by cultural landmarks, bustling markets, and modern amenities, HSU provides students with a stimulating environment for academic pursuit and personal growth. With its central location, students have easy access to various transportation options, restaurants, entertainment venues, and historical sites, enriching their university experience both inside and outside the classroom.


What Humanities Education Can Do For You ?The Second AngleAt HSU, 50% of courses across various programs are conducted entirely in English, demonstrating the HSU’s commitment to providing a globally oriented education. Due to the high demand and limited availability of these courses, early enrollment is necessary. Moreover, you are require to have English’s proficiency at a B2 level or higher are recommended (IELTS score of 5.5 or an English B2 level verified by your home institution is required). Selecting English courses at HSU offers international students the optimal opportunity to enhance their language proficiency while simultaneously advancing in their majors alongside HSU students.


At HSU, we offer a diverse range of courses taught in English across various semesters. Exchanged students will be provided with information about the tentative courses available and their class schedules when they apply for the program in a particular semester. Our aim is to ensure that exchange students have access to an array of educational opportunities that align with their interests and academic goals. The list of courses taught in English for students’ reference before applying the SEP at HSU at HERE.


To apply for an SEP at HSU, it’s important to ensure that the home university has a MOU agreement with HSU for the SEP. Please make sure that you are following the outlined steps and meeting the deadlines. This structured approach not only ensures that students fulfill all necessary requirements but also prepares them thoroughly for their exchange journey. By adhering to these guidelines, students can make the most out of their time at HSU, fully immersing themselves in the rich academic and cultural environment of Viet Nam. Ultimately, this approach sets the stage for a fulfilling and enriching experience abroad.

  1. Nomination by Home University: The first step is for prospective exchange students to be nominated by their home university. This nomination is typically facilitated by the international office or relevant department at the home institution.
  2. Submission of Nomination Form: Once nominated, the home university must submit a nomination to HSU’s Global Engagement office. This can usually be done through an ONLINE FORM provided by HSU.
  3. Submit the Online Nomination Form timeline: Nomination Form must be submitted by the deadlines for exchange students at HSU are as follows:
    • Fall Semester (First Semester): May 30;
    • Spring Semester (Second Semester): October 31.
  4. Application Procedure: After nomination, exchange students will receive instructions regarding the application procedures from HSU’s Global Engagement office. This typically includes completing an application form, providing necessary documentation (such as transcripts, language proficiency scores, and a statement of purpose, choosing the programs and subjects for the schedule, etc.), and possibly undergoing an interview.
  5. Visa and Arrival Preparation: Once accepted into the SEP, students will need to prepare for their stay in Viet Nam. This may include applying for a student visa, arranging accommodation, and familiarizing oneself with relevant cultural and logistical aspects of living in Ho Chi Minh City.


Courses are generally held from 07:00 AM to 6:30 PM, Monday through Saturday. Multiple shifts are available, each with designated class times.

Class Schedule ?Caring Matters

    • Shift 1: 07:00 AM to 9:20 AM;
    • Shift 2: 09:50 AM to 12:20 PM;
    • Shift 3: 01:00 PM to 03:20 PM;
    • Shift 4: 03:20 PM to 06:20 PM;
    • Shift 5: 06:30 PM to 09:00 PM (less frequent)

Classes typically last for 2.5 hours, and students are limited to registering and attending no more than two consecutive sessions (totaling more than 5 hours). Attendance and participation are mandatory, although students may be excused for study-related reasons, provided they do not exceed 30% of the total number of class sessions.

Inbound Application Procedure: Click HERE
List of HSU English Courses: Click HERE
HSU International Partners: Click HERE


The Office of Global Engagement at HSU is dedicated to fostering and expanding collaborative partnerships with global institutions. Our efforts aim to attract students and faculty members from diverse backgrounds to engage in academic exchanges and research initiatives. We organize a range of global activities, including international workshops, internship opportunities, study exchanges, and collaborative programs.

For more information about our activities and events, please visit our website and Facebook Fanpage [click Here]. If you require further details about our activities, feel free to contact the Office of Global Engagement at room 705B, located at Hoa Sen University’s Headquarter in Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam. You can also reach us via email at [email protected].

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