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Hoa Sen University

Study & experience New Zealand: An extremely meaningful trip for students


All the fun – it’s time to say goodbye!
So the summer travel program combined with cultural and educational experiences of 12 students from Hoa Sen University in New Zealand has officially ended with many emotions. For more than two weeks, what remained in my heart was not only the breathtakingly beautiful scene of lush green mountains and hills, not only the professional but still friendly behavior of the teachers and friends at the school. PIHMS school, but what makes me most nostalgic is the feelings of attachment and solidarity between members of the delegation in a foreign land.
For me, this trip means the most respectful goodbye to my years of studying at Hoa Sen School. Fortunately, on this trip, I was able to get acquainted with teachers who are always dedicated to their work and students, and to make friends with “friends” who are extremely compatible and “compatible” with each other.

Overall, this trip to New Zealand, the learning and fun activities at PIHMS, especially the Mexican Fiesta event organized by 12 of us students is the bridge that connects people from far away. strange to more familiar, then become close friends in the most natural and authentic way. Surely, all 12 of us will remember the mornings when it was still dark at nearly 7 o’clock, everyone called their friends to wake up for breakfast and then rushed outside to exhale smoke. fragile white; Or in the evening, there are people who knock on each room’s door to meet everyone to prepare for the Mexican event, and then sing together, play UNO, werewolf, truth or dare… As for me, I often remember a little sister who liked to hold my arm to share warmth on nights colder than 10 degrees Celsius, or a little brother who liked to wear t-shirts and shorts in the middle of the August winter, often inviting me to accompany him. let out a complaint: “Sister, do you want to eat, I’m so hungry!”.
Returning to Saigon with the sometimes rainy and sunny weather, returning to daily life, I looked back at the photos taken in New Zealand and found myself missing this peaceful Kiwi country, missing the friends I had just met at PIHMS, I miss the trips to eat and go out, especially the group of friends who were both funny and silly and crazy, always hanging around each other for the past 16 days… These precious feelings are not only stored through pictures on the phone, but will also be preserved. exists in the memories of each member of the group until the future.
Thank you Hoa Sen School for creating an opportunity and a very meaningful trip for students in general, and for me personally – a graduating student in particular. Thank you teachers for always taking care of us throughout the journey. Thank you. Finally, thank you New Zealand for giving me wonderful memories.

Trương Nguyễn Hương Bình, sinh viên ngành Ngôn Ngữ Anh, trường Đại học Hoa Sen

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