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Hoa Sen University

Notes for candidates before entering the 2023 high school graduation exam room

In just a few days, the 2k5 students will officially enter the 2023 high school graduation exam. After 12 years of diligently reading, surely the students are ready to “overcome the martial arts” and conquer the university. which I love.

To be able to create impressive results, in addition to having knowledge, it is also important to understand the regulations related to the exam. In this article, let’s join Nha Sen in reviewing some things to keep in mind before entering the 2023 high school graduation exam room.

As of the morning of June 15, the whole country had 1,024,063 candidates registered to take the 2023 high school graduation exam. Of which, free candidates were 37,841, accounting for 3.69% of the total number of candidates; Candidates only considered for graduation were 47,769, accounting for 4.66%; Candidates only considered for university admission were 34,155, accounting for 3.33% of the total number of candidates; Candidates who are both considered for graduation and enrolled are 943,340, accounting for 92.91% of the total number of candidates.

With the number of candidates taking the exam constantly increasing, universities have tightened their entrance requirements to find the most potential candidates. Faced with that situation, students need to constantly update notes about the exam to prepare the necessary items.

Materials are brought into the exam room
To ensure that the exam takes place fairly and accurately reflects the candidates’ abilities, the Ministry of Education and Training has issued the 2023 High School Graduation Exam Regulations. Specifically, in Clause 4, Article 14, the items Candidates are allowed to bring into the exam room: pens, pencils, compasses, erasers, rulers, calculators, pocket calculators that do not have text editing functions, do not have memory cards and cannot transmit or receive information. , sound signals, live images… For those taking the geography exam, the Vietnam Geography Atlas (published by Vietnam Education Publishing House) cannot be marked or written with any additional content. Besides necessary documents such as ID card, citizen identification card, exam admission notice and exam card, these will be “companions” to help team 2k5 smoothly complete their exam.
Regarding costumes, contestants can freely choose and dress according to their preferences. However, you need to note that these “outfits” must be polite and standard. If you still don’t know what to wear to the exam, uniforms are also one of the reasonable choices for candidates.

Items are not allowed into the exam room
According to the High School Graduation Exam Regulations, if candidates bring prohibited items into the exam room, they will be suspended from the exam and the results of all exams/subjects in that year’s exam will be canceled. Therefore, when entering the exam room, you absolutely must not bring the following items: Erasable pens, carbon paper, alcoholic beverages, explosives, weapons, documents, communication devices or those containing information to cheat during the test taking and marking process.
In particular, one of the new points in the 2023 exam is that candidates are not allowed to bring into the exam room any type of audio or video recorder that has the function of recording information but cannot listen, view, and cannot transmit or receive. information, audio signals, live images if there is no other supporting device.

Notes for candidates on items they should and should not bring into the exam room.

Understand information about the exam schedule
Missing the exam time, wrong exam room or location, or accidentally violating regulations are very common stories of candidates in the annual high school graduation exams. Therefore, to avoid unfortunate situations, students should clearly understand information related to the exam.
Before officially “passing the exam”, candidates need to clearly understand the exam schedule and exam time, as well as the location, exam room, and their registration number. You can use your phone, notepad or other tools to take notes and place it in a visible place to remind yourself or ask for the support of family and friends to make sure you are in the right place. , well-timed.
During the test, candidates should focus on their work and absolutely comply with exam regulations. If you violate, you will be strictly handled according to the regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training.

Ensure good health and a strong spirit
The closer the exam date gets, the greater the pressure on candidates. However, during this period, you should only focus on systematizing and reviewing what you have learned, avoiding “cramming” too much new knowledge. Instead, team 2k5 can combine study and light entertainment, take time to relax, exercise to improve health, and get enough sleep. In addition, before each exam, nutrition issues also need to be focused. You should choose foods that are nutritious and easy to digest, and don’t eat too much or too little. Remember, you can only reach your full potential when your body is in its best and healthy state.

Above are some things that athletes need to keep in mind in the final days of the race “to the finish line”. The 2023 high school graduation exam is very close. I hope all of you will be confident and have expressive parts

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