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Hoa Sen University


Although a small country in terms of area and population, Israel is famous around the world for innovation and entrepreneurship thanks to the successful application of its own “secrets”.

Strategy “turning risks into opportunities”

Ms. Maayan Ben Tura – Deputy Ambassador of Israel to Vietnam – shared the experience of “turning risk into opportunity” that Israel has successfully applied.

One of Israel’s successful examples in the field of innovation serving human life is the commonly known inventions of seawater filtration, domestic wastewater recycling, and effective management and use of natural water resources. comes the phrase “Israel’s water use revolution”.

With 60% of its area being desert and harsh weather conditions, hot weather and little rain, Israel often faces the risk of drought and lack of water to serve daily life, production and agriculture with increasing demand. 2 billion cubic meters of fresh water per year.

To overcome this difficult problem, Israel has successfully researched and developed seawater desalination technology applied to its 5 modern freshwater production plants. Thanks to that, this Middle Eastern country has now increased its total seawater desalination capacity to more than 750 million m3/year, enough to meet over 90% of people’s domestic water needs.

Not only serving the domestic market, up to now, Israel’s seawater desalination technology, considered the most modern in the world, is also being transferred to many other countries around the world such as the US, Europe, and Africa. …

Besides, Israel also achieved a miracle that surprised the world when it was able to recycle nearly 80% of wastewater for reuse in its agriculture, industry and urban sectors.

“With so many difficulties and challenges to face, we have no choice but to find ways to overcome them to survive. And creativity is our resource,” said Ms. Maayan Ben Tura – Deputy Ambassador of Israel to Vietnam.

Establish a funding fund for failed startup projects

Citing the number of more than 10,000 startups established in just 10 years (2008 – 2019), Ms. Maayan Ben Tura – Deputy Ambassador of Israel to Vietnam said, Israel is designated as a “Startup Nation”. entrepreneurship” because the entrepreneurial spirit is sown into the hearts and minds of people right from when they were children.

In high schools and universities, students are encouraged to build startup projects with their own ideas, even if those ideas are sometimes very primitive.

Israel has specialized government agencies specializing in finding and supporting startup projects of young people with the spirit of “as long as you have an idea, the rest is up to us”.

One special thing that the Israeli Deputy Ambassador to Vietnam shared with Hoa Sen University students in a recent talk on the topic “Creativity and Entrepreneurship” is: Israelis treat everyone with great respect. Everyone who starts a business fails. According to this senior diplomat, failure is always natural for humans, a transitional stage to move to a more successful stage.

“We don’t consider it a failure for young people to start a business. Maybe you have not been successful for many reasons, such as lack of capital, lack of experience, lack of support network… And this is when the Government supports you”, Ms. Maayan Ben Tura shared.

Ms. Maayan Ben Tura – Deputy Ambassador of Israel to Vietnam – talked to young people on the topic of Creativity and Entrepreneurship

She also did not forget to remind young people of an important keyword: “Dare” (Vietnamese: Dare): Dare to start doing things, dare to ask critical questions, dare to challenge yourself, and never be satisfied with an available solution.

Some pictures of the sharing session:

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