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Hoa Sen University

Tag: scientific research

Student of the Faculty of Languages – International Cultures won the Third Prize in the 2022 Student Scientific Research Conference – Social Science Subcommittee
Nguyen Tue San and Nguyen Thi Hoa - Students from the Faculty of Languages - International Cultures – excellently won the Third Prize in the 2022 Student Scientific Research Conference – Social Science Subcommittee with the topic “The Benefits of School Homework on Elementary School Children’s Academic Outcomes and Independent Learning”
Introduction to the scientific research of the Faculty of Languages – International Cultures
Bộ môn Ngôn ngữ và văn hóa Anh-Mỹ Thực tiễn phát triển giáo dục không thể tách rời với hoạt động nghiên cứu. Nghiên cứu là động lực giúp gia tăng chăt lượng dạy và học ở môi trường đại học. Nghiên cứu không chỉ là đi tìm những điểm mới trong lý thuyết và thực tiễn mà còn là những nỗ lực xác nhận tính hiệu quả của một lý thuyết hoặc mô hình thực tiễn nào đó đang đước áp dụng trong cuộc sống. Bộ môn Ngôn ngữ và văn hóa Anh-Mỹ không phải là một ngoại lệ. Mặc...
In June 2018, a group of lecturers of the Department of Applied Psychology participated in the Labor Research Contest organized by the International Labor Organization (ILO) in cooperation with the Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs. The Department of Applied Psychology took the exam with the research topic "The relationship between gender discrimination and job satisfaction and mental health of Vietnamese workers" chaired by Master Pham Thi Thuy Tien.
Frist Prize – Scientific Research Image – Student (8th time)
On August 5, 2017, the school successfully held the 8th Student Scientific Research Report Conference – 2017 at campus 8 Nguyen Van Award – Council of Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities + Tourism The Council of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities commented and commented on the topic The workshop is an annual activity to encourage and promote scientific research activities of students of Hoa Sen University. Through this activity, students have the opportunity to demonstrate their research ability, practice presentation and debate skills. In 2017, the number of registrations at the beginning of the year was 35...
Second Prize – Scientific Research Image – Student (8th time)
On August 5, 2017, the school successfully held the 8th Student Scientific Research Report Conference – 2017 at campus 8 Nguyen Van Award – Council of Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities + Tourism The Council of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities commented and commented on the topic The workshop is an annual activity to encourage and promote scientific research activities of students of Hoa Sen University. Through this activity, students have the opportunity to demonstrate their research ability, practice presentation and debate skills. In 2017, the number of registrations at the beginning of the year was 35...


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