speak your mind – Khoa Ngôn ng?– Văn hóa quốc t?/title> <atom:link href="//e-sexcash.com/nn/en/tag/speak-your-mind/feed/" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" /> <link>//e-sexcash.com/nn</link> <description>Một trang web mới của Đại học Hoa Sen</description> <lastBuildDate>Mon, 26 Feb 2024 01:32:31 +0000</lastBuildDate> <language>en-GB</language> <sy:updatePeriod> hourly </sy:updatePeriod> <sy:updateFrequency> 1 </sy:updateFrequency> <item> <title>BEGIN THE NEW YEAR WITH FREE MOOC COURSES FROM THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF STATE //e-sexcash.com/nn/en/begin-the-new-year-with-free-mooc-courses-from-the-u-s-department-of-state/ Thu, 22 Feb 2024 03:57:00 +0000 //e-sexcash.com/nn/?p=5515

In addition to your travel, festivities, and leisure activities, don’t forget to set aside some time to enroll in free MOOC courses to enhance your English skills and receive a Certificate from the U.S. Embassy!

Learn more and register here: //www.openenglishprograms.org/MOOC

Choose from a variety of courses:

  • English for Media Literacy
  • English for Career Development
  • English for Journalism
  • English for Business and Entrepreneurship
  • English for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)

Registration Deadline: March 18, 2024

After completing the course, please fill in this link to receive the certificate of the Regional English Language Office: //bit.ly/MOOCscertificates

Wishing you engaging and enriching learning experiences. Happy Lunar New Year!

speak your mind – Khoa Ngôn ng?– Văn hóa quốc t?/title> <atom:link href="//e-sexcash.com/nn/en/tag/speak-your-mind/feed/" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" /> <link>//e-sexcash.com/nn</link> <description>Một trang web mới của Đại học Hoa Sen</description> <lastBuildDate>Mon, 26 Feb 2024 01:32:31 +0000</lastBuildDate> <language>en-GB</language> <sy:updatePeriod> hourly </sy:updatePeriod> <sy:updateFrequency> 1 </sy:updateFrequency> <item> <title>BEGIN THE NEW YEAR WITH FREE MOOC COURSES FROM THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF STATE //e-sexcash.com/nn/en/recap-celebrating-1-year-of-establishment-of-hsu-chinese-club-and-kick-off-culture-day-2024/ Mon, 01 Jan 2024 07:36:00 +0000 //e-sexcash.com/nn/?p=4405

On October 28, 2023, the event “Celebrating 1 Year of Establishment of HSU Chinese Club and Kick-off Culture Day 2024,” organized by the HSU Chinese Club under the Faculty of Languages – International Cultures took place and attracted the attention of many students.

The commemoration event was an opportunity for club members to look back at memorable moments from one year of activities. The HSU Chinese Club is a shared home, bringing together students passionate about Chinese culture in particular and various cultures in general. Under the dedicated guidance of Ms. Trần Th?Cẩm Tú – Director of the Second Foreign Language Center, although the club was recently established, it has organized numerous cultural and language-related events, helping students learn and experience the cultures of different countries and enhance their language knowledge.

On the occasion of the club’s 1st anniversary, the Faculty of Language – International Culture wishes the HSU Chinese Club continued growth, with members maintaining their enthusiasm and jointly bringing more interesting and beneficial activities for everyone in the future.

Moreover, this event also served as the launch for the Culture Day 2024 program, a joint initiative of the Faculty of Language – International Culture and the HSU Chinese Club. This event gathers various cultures such as English, American, French, Korean, Chinese, Japanese, etc., providing a valuable playground with activities related to culture for HSU students. During the kickoff, the organizing committee and project students had the opportunity to introduce their ideas and plans to the attendees. Culture Day 2024 promises to be vibrant and offer participants extremely new and unique experiences.

Wishing the program a successful outcome, where efforts and talents come together to turn the academic project into a grand event, showcasing the talents of HSU students and contributing to affirming the core value of “Learning by Doing” unique to Hoa Sen University.

The Faculty of Language – International Culture and the HSU Chinese Club sincerely thank the enthusiastic participation of lecturers, honored guests, and students. We look forward to meeting everyone again in upcoming events.

speak your mind – Khoa Ngôn ng?– Văn hóa quốc t?/title> <atom:link href="//e-sexcash.com/nn/en/tag/speak-your-mind/feed/" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" /> <link>//e-sexcash.com/nn</link> <description>Một trang web mới của Đại học Hoa Sen</description> <lastBuildDate>Mon, 26 Feb 2024 01:32:31 +0000</lastBuildDate> <language>en-GB</language> <sy:updatePeriod> hourly </sy:updatePeriod> <sy:updateFrequency> 1 </sy:updateFrequency> <item> <title>BEGIN THE NEW YEAR WITH FREE MOOC COURSES FROM THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF STATE //e-sexcash.com/nn/en/teaching-business-english-with-international-experts-at-workshop-master-talk-ep-9/ Tue, 26 Dec 2023 09:12:00 +0000 //e-sexcash.com/nn/?p=4176

In order to help lecturers and students gain a deeper understanding of Business English, the Faculty of Languages-International Cultures collaborated with the Regional English Language Office (RELO) of the U.S. Consulate General to organize the episode of Master Talk Workshop series with the topic “English for Business and Entrepreneurship.”

At the workshop, Ms. Camille Williams, an English Language Fellow from RELO, shared insights into teaching Business English. Specifically, she instruct how to select suitable teaching materials, teaching activities, and assessment methods for English for Specific Purposes (ESP) classes. The goal was to help learners expand their vocabulary, develop language skills, and communicate effectively in the fields of business and entrepreneurship. Teachers and students engaged in lively discussions and participated in hands-on teaching activities which required learners apply their English to handle situations in business activities.

We would like to thank Ms. Camille Williams for your presence and valuable sharing at the workshop. We express gratitude for the enthusiastic participation and interest of teachers and students. Besides, we extend our thanks to the Asia English System (ACE) – the sponsor of Master Talk workshop series season 1.

At HSU, in addition to the curriculum-based courses, students have the opportunity to enhance their knowledge and specialized skills through activities with international experts who have years of experience in foreign language teaching, aligning with the spirit of “Tiêu chuẩn quốc t?#8221; (International Standards) at HSU.

speak your mind – Khoa Ngôn ng?– Văn hóa quốc t?/title> <atom:link href="//e-sexcash.com/nn/en/tag/speak-your-mind/feed/" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" /> <link>//e-sexcash.com/nn</link> <description>Một trang web mới của Đại học Hoa Sen</description> <lastBuildDate>Mon, 26 Feb 2024 01:32:31 +0000</lastBuildDate> <language>en-GB</language> <sy:updatePeriod> hourly </sy:updatePeriod> <sy:updateFrequency> 1 </sy:updateFrequency> <item> <title>BEGIN THE NEW YEAR WITH FREE MOOC COURSES FROM THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF STATE //e-sexcash.com/nn/en/recap-seminar-encouraging-students-involvement-in-an-esp-lesson-and-entering-a-new-era-with-ai-in-english-learning-2/ Wed, 06 Dec 2023 02:02:00 +0000 //e-sexcash.com/nn/?p=4235

Recently, the seminar “Encouraging Students’ Involvement in an ESP Lesson and Entering a New Era with AI in English Learning,” organized by the General English program, Faculty of Languages – International Cultures, attracted a large number of lecturers, teachers, and students interested in English teaching.

The seminar began with a presentation on teaching methods and how to encourage active participation of learners in specialized English lessons by Master Nguyen Ngoc Thien Nam – a lecturer in the Faculty of Language – International Culture. Following that, Master Sean Trace – a speaker with extensive experience in teaching and digital communication – shared profound insights into how artificial intelligence (AI) is changing the landscape of learning and teaching English, as well as using technology to enrich the learning and teaching experience.

Hands-on activities and discussions were integrated into the presentations, providing opportunities for everyone to exchange and share experiences. Deep questions, stories, and challenges in the teaching process contributed to making the atmosphere of the seminar lively and engaging.

The Faculty of Language – International Culture sincerely thanks the speaker Sean Trace and Mr. Thien Nam for taking the time to share their valuable knowledge and experience. Additionally, the Faculty would like to express gratitude to all the lecturers and students who participated in the seminar. It is hoped that this seminar has provided everyone with useful knowledge that can be applied in the journey of innovative education and the improvement of teaching quality.

Thanks to the active participation of everyone, and looking forward to meeting everyone again in upcoming events.

speak your mind – Khoa Ngôn ng?– Văn hóa quốc t?/title> <atom:link href="//e-sexcash.com/nn/en/tag/speak-your-mind/feed/" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" /> <link>//e-sexcash.com/nn</link> <description>Một trang web mới của Đại học Hoa Sen</description> <lastBuildDate>Mon, 26 Feb 2024 01:32:31 +0000</lastBuildDate> <language>en-GB</language> <sy:updatePeriod> hourly </sy:updatePeriod> <sy:updateFrequency> 1 </sy:updateFrequency> <item> <title>BEGIN THE NEW YEAR WITH FREE MOOC COURSES FROM THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF STATE //e-sexcash.com/nn/en/free-english-support-class-from-the-faculty-of-language-international-culture-phase-2/ Tue, 05 Dec 2023 02:20:00 +0000 //e-sexcash.com/nn/?p=4247

The English knowledge support class, phase 1, organized since October 2023, has received enthusiastic attention from you, the students, during this period. The Faculty of Languages – International Cultures sincerely appreciates your interest and participation in learning.

In order to provide conditions for you to continue reviewing English knowledge and prepare for the final exams, the Faculty of Language – International Culture is organizing the teaching of ENGLISH KNOWLEDGE SUPPORT CLASSES PHASE 2 for K23 students of Hoa Sen University.

Accompanying you in these support classes are dedicated instructors from the Faculty of Language – International Culture. Not only will you enhance your English skills, but you will also have the opportunity to discuss academic issues with your teachers.

These support classes will be conducted entirely online and are completely free for Hoa Sen University students.

Note: When filling out the registration form and participating in the class, please use the HSU student email provided by the university.

Please refer to the (tentative) schedule of courses and register here: [link to registration form] (//forms.gle/zRusUvtzAX1yje3R9)

speak your mind – Khoa Ngôn ng?– Văn hóa quốc t?/title> <atom:link href="//e-sexcash.com/nn/en/tag/speak-your-mind/feed/" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" /> <link>//e-sexcash.com/nn</link> <description>Một trang web mới của Đại học Hoa Sen</description> <lastBuildDate>Mon, 26 Feb 2024 01:32:31 +0000</lastBuildDate> <language>en-GB</language> <sy:updatePeriod> hourly </sy:updatePeriod> <sy:updateFrequency> 1 </sy:updateFrequency> <item> <title>BEGIN THE NEW YEAR WITH FREE MOOC COURSES FROM THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF STATE //e-sexcash.com/nn/en/recap-students-mind-students-life-ep-8-3/ Thu, 30 Nov 2023 02:27:00 +0000 //e-sexcash.com/nn/?p=4253

On November 17, 2023, the Faculty of Languages – International Cultures organized the 9th session of the webinar series “[Student’s Mind – Student’s Life]” with the theme “[HOW TO IMPRESS COMPANIES WITH YOUR CV],” featuring speaker Lê Cao Phú Cường and MC Nguyễn Trần Phương Thảo, with the participation of over 70 HSU students.

As a Human Resources Manager with extensive experience in recruitment and management, Mr. Lê Cao Phú Cường provided valuable and interesting insights to Hoa Sen University students on how to make a strong impression on employers through their CVs. Additionally, he offered support and addressed the questions of students on the path to impressing recruiters.

The Faculty of Language – International Culture sincerely thanks Mr. Lê Cao Phú Cường for his presence and valuable insights. In particular, the Faculty expresses gratitude to the professors, lecturers, and HSU students who took the time to participate in the recent webinar. Special thanks are extended to the sponsor of the webinar series, “Student’s Mind – Student’s Life,” the Cultural Development and Import-Export Company (CDIMEX), a company specializing in distributing foreign-language books and solutions for international English proficiency testing.

Don’t forget to fill out the Feedback Form so that the organizing committee can improve future webinar sessions: Feedback Form link.

See you at the next session of “Student’s Mind – Student’s Life”!

speak your mind – Khoa Ngôn ng?– Văn hóa quốc t?/title> <atom:link href="//e-sexcash.com/nn/en/tag/speak-your-mind/feed/" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" /> <link>//e-sexcash.com/nn</link> <description>Một trang web mới của Đại học Hoa Sen</description> <lastBuildDate>Mon, 26 Feb 2024 01:32:31 +0000</lastBuildDate> <language>en-GB</language> <sy:updatePeriod> hourly </sy:updatePeriod> <sy:updateFrequency> 1 </sy:updateFrequency> <item> <title>BEGIN THE NEW YEAR WITH FREE MOOC COURSES FROM THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF STATE //e-sexcash.com/nn/en/seminar-encouraging-students-involvement-in-an-esp-lesson-and-entering-a-new-era-with-ai-in-english-learning-2/ Fri, 17 Nov 2023 03:04:00 +0000 //e-sexcash.com/nn/?p=4311

On November 23rd, the Faculty of Languages and International Cultures will organize the seminar [ENCOURAGING STUDENTS’ INVOLVEMENT IN AN ESP LESSON AND ENTERING A NEW ERA WITH AI IN ENGLISH LEARNING].

The seminar is honored to have the participation of 2 speakers, who have many years of experience in the field of English language teaching

Speakers: Sean Trace, M.A

+ Master of Arts in English at Southern New Hampshire University (USA)

+ Executive MBA in Entrepreneurship at Quantic School of Business Technology (USA)

+ Teacher and content developer at ILA Vietnam

+ Social Media and Digital Marketing Lecturer at Pacific Union College (USA)

+ Video Producer của A Bowl of Rice Productions (create content from marketing materials, short films, podcast that sharing inspiration and insights)

Speakers: Nguyen Ngoc Thien Nam, M.A – Lecturer of Faculty of Languages and International Cultures, Hoa Sen University

MC: Bùi Ngọc Qu?Anh, MA – Lecturer of Faculty of Languages and International Cultures, Hoa Sen University

Key content:

– Educational theories and research in teaching and Strategies to encourage active learning and interest in knowledge acquisition in an ESP lesson.

– The evolution of English language learning with the development of artificial intelligence (AI) and the application of AI tools in language teaching and learning

– Practice activities and Discussion with speakers.

We hope that they will be useful knowledge so that you can apply them into your language teaching and learning.

The Organizing Committee cordially invites all teachers and students to attend this Webinar.



  • Date: 8:30 am – 12:00 pm | Thursday, November 23rd 2023
  • Venue: Hall 903, Nguyen Van Trang Campus, Hoa Sen University ( No 8, Nguyen Van Trang Street, Ben Thanh Ward, District 1)
speak your mind – Khoa Ngôn ng?– Văn hóa quốc t?/title> <atom:link href="//e-sexcash.com/nn/en/tag/speak-your-mind/feed/" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" /> <link>//e-sexcash.com/nn</link> <description>Một trang web mới của Đại học Hoa Sen</description> <lastBuildDate>Mon, 26 Feb 2024 01:32:31 +0000</lastBuildDate> <language>en-GB</language> <sy:updatePeriod> hourly </sy:updatePeriod> <sy:updateFrequency> 1 </sy:updateFrequency> <item> <title>BEGIN THE NEW YEAR WITH FREE MOOC COURSES FROM THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF STATE //e-sexcash.com/nn/en/consultation-session-for-english-language-major-k22/ Mon, 06 Nov 2023 06:49:00 +0000 //e-sexcash.com/nn/?p=4377

Concentration Orientation is one of the annual activities of the English Language studies program, Faculty of Languages – International Cultures, aiming to help English Language Studies students understand the profession and choose the right career direction.

On November 9, 2023, the Faculty of Languages – International Cultures will organize ‘K22 Concentration Orientation For English Languague Studies Programe’, specifically for the students of K22, with the theme “A WISE CHOICE FOR A BRIGHT FUTURE.”

Accompanying the students in this concentration orientation are dedicated and experienced lecturers from the Faculty of Languages – International Cultures, as well as alumni and business guest speakers.

Representatives from the English Language major sharing in the consultation session include:

  • Host: Mr. Trinh Binh Thanh Son – Lecturer in the Faculty of Language – International Culture
  • NNA Department Representative: Ms. Bui Yen Ngoc – Lecturer in the Faculty of Language – International Culture
  • NNA Department Representative: Ms. Bien Thi Thanh Mai – Lecturer in the Faculty of Language – International Culture

Business guest speakers and alumni:

  • Ms. Vu Thi Ai Le – Director of Communications and Public Relations at Arabesque Dance Vietnam
  • Ms. Nguyen Thi Thuy – Master of TESOL from the University of Canberra (Australia), Director of Care Education System
  • Ms. Pham Quynh Nhu – K16 HSU Alumni, English Trainer at HOPEE Company (specializing in providing technology services and solutions), with extensive experience working at language centers such as Viet Au My, Asia, Lead English, ilearn English

During the consultation, students will be shared about the application of courses in the workplace, work experiences, career orientations, and related information in the fields of Teaching and Business English – Corporate Communication.

Note: This is a MANDATORY activity for K22 English Language students, so we kindly ask students to arrange their time to attend fully and on time.

For students from different majors who want to learn more about the English Language major or are unsure about pursuing it, this program is designed for you. Additionally, attending students will receive a Certificate from the Faculty.

Hurry up and register to meet our distinguished lecturers and guest speakers!


  • Time: 13:00 – 16:30 | Thursday, November 9, 2023
  • Venue: Room 903, Nguyen Van Trang Campus, Hoa Sen University (8 Nguyen Van Trang, Ben Thanh Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City)
  • Registration link: //forms.gle/6sp5ABB6XftncjEq5
Workshop “Speak Your Mind: An Overview an an Approach to Teaching Effectively?/title> <link>//e-sexcash.com/nn/en/workshop-speak-your-mind-an-overview-an-an-approach-to-teaching-effectively-2/</link> <dc:creator><![CDATA[ngantranthanh]]></dc:creator> <pubDate>Fri, 22 Jul 2022 01:06:38 +0000</pubDate> <category><![CDATA[News and Events]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Events]]></category> <category><![CDATA[general english training program]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Macmillan Education]]></category> <category><![CDATA[speak your mind]]></category> <guid isPermaLink="false">//e-sexcash.com/nn/?p=2219</guid> <description><![CDATA[On July 20, 2022, General English Program, in collaboration with Macmillan Education Company, successfully organized a training session for Lecturers on teaching methods when using the Speak Your Mind book series – under the guidance of Mr. Derek ‘Del’ Spafford – Representative of Publishing House and 50 teachers of General English Program. The training session occurred with Mr. Derek ‘Del’ Spafford’s insightful sharing of the book [Speak Your Mind]. He and the lecturers analyzed a Unit in the book to consider how to apply language in teaching, thereby designing practical lessons and building many new ideas to make the class...]]></description> <content:encoded><![CDATA[<div class="has-link-color has-text-color has-vivid-cyan-blue-color wp-block-post-date wp-elements-89d0b275b516417c11f6044c3731066e"><time datetime="2022-07-22T08:06:38+07:00">22/07/2022</time></div> <p><strong>On July 20, 2022, <a href="//e-sexcash.com/nn/en/" target="_blank" data-type="URL" data-id="//e-sexcash.com/nn/en/" rel="noreferrer noopener">General English Program</a>, in collaboration with <a href="//macmillan.com/" target="_blank" data-type="URL" data-id="//macmillan.com/" rel="noreferrer noopener">Macmillan Education Company</a>, successfully organized a training session for Lecturers on teaching methods when using the Speak Your Mind book series – under the guidance of Mr. Derek ‘Del’ Spafford – Representative of Publishing House and 50 teachers of General English Program.</strong></p> <div class="wp-block-image"> <figure class="aligncenter size-full"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="4428" height="3022" src="//e-sexcash.com/nn/wp-content/uploads/sites/16/2024/02/TT-WORKSHOP-2.png" alt="" class="wp-image-5115" srcset="//e-sexcash.com/nn/wp-content/uploads/sites/16/2024/02/TT-WORKSHOP-2.png 4428w, //e-sexcash.com/nn/wp-content/uploads/sites/16/2024/02/TT-WORKSHOP-2-300x205.png 300w, //e-sexcash.com/nn/wp-content/uploads/sites/16/2024/02/TT-WORKSHOP-2-768x524.png 768w, //e-sexcash.com/nn/wp-content/uploads/sites/16/2024/02/TT-WORKSHOP-2-1536x1048.png 1536w, //e-sexcash.com/nn/wp-content/uploads/sites/16/2024/02/TT-WORKSHOP-2-2048x1398.png 2048w" sizes="(max-width: 4428px) 100vw, 4428px" /><figcaption class="wp-element-caption"><em>Mr. Derek ‘Del’ Spafford – Representative of Macmillan Education Publishing House</em></figcaption></figure></div> <p>The training session occurred with Mr. Derek ‘Del’ Spafford’s insightful sharing of the book [Speak Your Mind]. He and the lecturers analyzed a Unit in the book to consider how to apply language in teaching, thereby designing practical lessons and building many new ideas to make the class more interesting.</p> <p>Mr. Derek ‘Del’ Spafford is the Regional Director of Career Development for Asia at Macmillan Education Publishing Group. He has more than 20 years of teaching and training in English, of which 11 years worked for the British Council in Thailand. At the same time, he also has experience training teachers to teach English in different school models.</p> <p>The above training session has helped the teachers and lecturers gain more practical knowledge in their professional fields.</p> <p>Previously, on June 24, 2022, Hoa Sen University and Macmillan Education signed a cooperation agreement on mutual support in the project of using Macmillan Education publications for operating programs at the Hoa Sen University.</p> ]]></content:encoded> </item> </channel> </rss>