webinar tesol – Khoa Ngôn ng?– Văn hóa quốc t?/title> <atom:link href="//e-sexcash.com/nn/en/tag/webinar-tesol/feed/" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" /> <link>//e-sexcash.com/nn</link> <description>Một trang web mới của Đại học Hoa Sen</description> <lastBuildDate>Thu, 01 Feb 2024 08:42:05 +0000</lastBuildDate> <language>en-GB</language> <sy:updatePeriod> hourly </sy:updatePeriod> <sy:updateFrequency> 1 </sy:updateFrequency> <item> <title>Practice presenting confidently with Webinar [TESOL & Presentation: Become a Better Public Speaker] //e-sexcash.com/nn/en/practice-presenting-confidently-with-webinar-tesol-presentation-become-a-better-public-speaker/ Wed, 21 Sep 2022 07:31:06 +0000 //e-sexcash.com/nn/?p=2465

Are you currently:

– Worried about giving a presentation?

Are you often ‘blanked’ when you have to speak in front of a crowd?

– Love teaching but not confident enough in class?

If you are seeing yourself in the questions above, then TESOL & PRESENTATION: Become a Public Speaker with the companionship of Phan Minh Anh (English Language Learner – English Teaching Assistant of the Year 2020′ in English Vietnam American Association VUS) is the Webinar that you cannot miss.

If you’ve ever watched Ep.2 of Student’s Mind – Student’s Life, you must have known Minh Anh’s extremely talented style of leading the show. TESOL & PRESENTATION: Become a Public Speaker with the participation of host Minh Anh will help you ‘resolve’ all worries with public speaking, improve your confidence when presenting. Especially, at this Webinar, you will hear about the TESOL learning path as well as the experiences of this certification. For those of you who are studying English, the TESOL certificate is an extremely effective support tool for you.

Especially, right after the Webinar, you will immediately receive the ENGLISH TEACHING HANDBOOK BY LEVELS OF THE CEFR FRAMEWORK and the certificate of participation in the Webinar extremely high quality!

Let’s review your excellent achievements, Minh Anh!

– Students with 5 good grades at Faculty level (2020 – 2021).

– TOP 20 contestants in the International Debate Championship 2021.

– Won the title of ‘English Teaching Assistant of the Year 2020’ at VUS Vietnamese American Association. (VUS Teacher’s Assistant Of The Year (2020))
