Why HSU – Viện Sau Đại Học & Lãnh Đạo //e-sexcash.com/saudaihoc Tue, 09 Apr 2024 06:59:47 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Why HSU – Viện Sau Đại Học & Lãnh Đạo //e-sexcash.com/saudaihoc/en/should-you-pursue-an-mba-in-a-different-field/ Mon, 11 Dec 2023 09:37:00 +0000 //e-sexcash.com/saudaihoc/?p=4223 Many people, after graduating from university or after several years of working, feel that their current field is no longer suitable for them and want to make a change. However, stepping into a new environment often requires having a degree, which is why pursuing a Master of Business Administration (MBA) has become a popular choice. Nevertheless, there are still some doubts about whether one should pursue an MBA in a different field. This article will help you explore what you need to know about pursuing an MBA in a different field and whether it is the right decision for your career development.

1. New and Diverse Career Opportunities

Many individuals still worry whether pursuing an MBA in a different field would pose challenges and question whether it’s worth it. Let go of those doubts because pursuing an MBA in a different field opens up many new opportunities and diversifies your career prospects.

Rather than sticking to a specific path, you can apply your skills and knowledge across various industries. The more diverse your knowledge, the more opportunities arise, making you versatile and valuable in the eyes of employers.

2. Enhanced Job Search Abilities

In the era of Industry 4.0, the job market demands diversity, and having specialized skills from multiple fields can make you an ideal candidate for various positions. Besides specialized knowledge, holding a master’s degree in business administration makes you stand out among other candidates because through an MBA, you acquire specialized knowledge and management skills necessary to become leaders and adept team leaders.

A prime example of the benefits of pursuing an MBA in a different field is Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google Inc., who holds an engineering degree from Kharagpur Institute of Technology and an MBA from the University of Pennsylvania.

3. Development of Self-Learning and Creative Thinking Skills

Pursuing an MBA in a different field not only involves acquiring new knowledge but also requires the development of self-learning and creative thinking skills. The ability to quickly grasp and process information from various fields is a crucial skill that you can accumulate through studying in a different field.

Even if your previous field of study is not directly related to business management issues such as administration, economics, marketing, finance, acquiring knowledge in these areas can significantly benefit you in today’s era.

Benefits of Pursuing an MBA in a Different Field

1. Diverse Skill Set

Studying for an MBA in a different field provides a diverse skill set, making you adaptable and capable of facing various challenges in today’s diverse business environment.

2. Expanding Networking Opportunities

You will have the opportunity to expand your network with individuals from various fields. Meeting and exchanging ideas with experienced business professionals will provide you with practical knowledge to apply to your own business in the future. This not only creates career opportunities but also provides a comprehensive understanding of the current business market.

3. Career Advancement Opportunities

An MBA in a different field can be the key to unlocking career advancement opportunities. The diversity of skills and knowledge will make you unique and highly valued by employers. Not everyone has the motivation to pursue an MBA after graduation or after years of working, especially opting for an MBA in a different field.

This demonstrates that you are highly ambitious and adept at seizing opportunities for yourself. Having an MBA will make you more confident in applying to large companies and corporations, or even better, in managing and leading your own business.

Insights from Ms. La Kim Yến – MBA student, 4th cohort

4. Considerations When Choosing to Pursue an MBA in a Different Field

Although there are many benefits to pursuing an MBA, studying for an MBA in a different field also presents challenges. You may face difficulties in absorbing new knowledge and competing with experienced individuals in that field. The key is to have patience and commitment to overcome these challenges.

So, should you pursue an MBA in a different field?

Studying in a different field is not just a decision but also a new adventure in your career, especially pursuing an MBA in a different field. If you weigh your options and prepare thoroughly, this can lead you to new heights and unexpected opportunities.

The decision to pursue an MBA in a different field depends on your personal goals and passions. If you want to challenge yourself and broaden your business vision, this may be the right step. However, the most important thing is to ask yourself whether you are ready to invest the necessary time and effort.

If you’re still unsure whether you’re suitable for pursuing an MBA in a different field, don’t worry because some institutions today understand the concerns of students and have opened experiential classes to help those who intend to pursue an MBA gain a better understanding of what it entails.

Why HSU – Viện Sau Đại Học & Lãnh Đạo //e-sexcash.com/saudaihoc/en/explore-opportunities-to-study-master-of-arts-in-english-mae-for-non-major-students/ Mon, 11 Dec 2023 08:39:41 +0000 //e-sexcash.com/saudaihoc/?p=4207 Nguyen Le Ngoc Tram graduated as a General Practitioner in 2022, but she decided to pursue her passion for languages with a focus on teaching English. She embarked on a new journey with the Master of Arts in English Studies program at Hoa Sen University. What interesting experiences and challenges does Tram encounter on this unexpected path? And what opportunities are available for individuals passionate about obtaining a master’s degree in English Language Studies but concerned about graduating with a non-major undergraduate degree?

1. Can people with different majors pursue a Master of Arts in English (MAE)?

The answer is yes, individuals with different majors can definitely enroll in the Master of Arts in English (MAE) program. Your undergraduate major does not matter; what matters is your passion for pursuing a Master’s degree in English Language Studies.

The learning journey may be more challenging compared to those who graduated in the same field, as you may need to study additional subjects to ensure a solid and comprehensive foundation before embarking on the path of pursuing a Master’s degree in English Language Studies (MAE).

Having a Master’s degree in English Language Studies is an opportunity to diversify your knowledge and upgrade your skills, thereby providing more opportunities for career advancement. This degree also opens doors to new and enriching career paths that align with your existing passion.

Below is a list of additional courses for individuals with non-major backgrounds who wish to pursue a Master’s degree in English Language Studies:

  • Morphology and English Syntax
  • Semantics
  • Phonetics & Phonology
  • Introduction to Translation and Interpretation
  • Introduction to English Language Teaching

In addition, to reinforce the belief that individuals with different majors can still pursue a Master’s degree in English Language Studies, let’s hear from Nguyen Le Ngoc Tram, a student in the MAE program at Hoa Sen University, as she shares her journey from being a medical doctor to studying English Language Studies.

Ngoc Tram pursued her Medical degree in 2015 and throughout her 7-year journey in the medical field, she never ceased to love the English language. She always pursued this subject in her own way, especially by teaching English whenever she had spare time.

However, she excelled in her medical studies, but she couldn’t find the motivation throughout her 7 years of medical education. On the contrary, she felt comfortable and enjoyed the time spent learning English. Eventually, she made the bold decision to enroll in the Master of Arts in English (MAE) program at Hoa Sen University instead of continuing with her stable job in the medical field after graduation. This decision changed her career path for the better, as it aligned with her initial passion.

Therefore, do not worry that graduating in a different major means you cannot pursue a Master’s degree in English Language Studies. As long as you have the passion and perseverance, you can conquer any field. Be confident in enrolling in the Master of Arts in English (MAE) program if this is your biggest career goal.

2. Benefits of studying a Master of Arts in English for individuals with different majors

In general, besides the necessity of supplementing certain knowledge, individuals with different majors will have the opportunity to develop and explore their potential further if they decide to study for a Master of Arts in English (MAE).

  • Enhancing critical thinking skills: Studying a different major helps expand your thinking and communication skills in a new language. When applying the knowledge gained from the MAE program to various fields and different situations, you will develop the ability to grasp information and analyze it comprehensively. As a result, you will gain more experience in handling various situations.
  • Improving self-learning ability: Pursuing a Master’s degree in a different major requires you to research basic foundational knowledge before delving into the specialized field of study. This helps you cultivate patience, research skills, and data analysis abilities when faced with entirely new knowledge. This enriches your personal skills, allowing you to confidently develop in this field.
  • Expanding career opportunities: English language studies is a field with numerous job opportunities across various industries, due to the widespread use and application of this language in multiple countries. Therefore, mastering this language with a Master’s degree in English Language Studies (MAE) will serve as a ticket to attractive job offers with desired salaries.
  • Increasing social interaction skills: Studying a different major allows you to work and learn from a diverse community of interdisciplinary learners. This enhances your communication and social cooperation skills, which are essential when working in a professional environment. This is also a good opportunity for you to expand your network, which will benefit your future career.

3. Starting the journey of studying a Master of Arts in English (MAE) for individuals with different majors

  • Research and plan: Learn about the English Language Studies direction you are interested in and make a detailed study plan so that you won’t be overwhelmed when encountering specialized knowledge.
  • Attend trial classes: Take part in trial courses in English Language Studies to familiarize yourself with the practical knowledge of the desired field you want to pursue. This helps confirm once again whether you truly want to pursue English language studies.

You can refer to the upcoming trial classes at Hoa Sen University. Register for a trial class experience in the Master of Arts in English program at Hoa Sen University with experienced experts and lecturers here.

  • Seek additional insights from current and former MAE students: Actively reach out to current and former MAE program students to listen to their sharing and experiences in studying and compare them with your own needs to make a decision. Experience from those who have gone before is always a good source of reference.

Studying a different major to obtain a Master’s degree in English Language Studies is a breakthrough that can open doors to many new opportunities in your career. Do not hesitate to take on challenges and explore new avenues in today’s diverse and rapidly evolving world.

Why HSU – Viện Sau Đại Học & Lãnh Đạo //e-sexcash.com/saudaihoc/en/conquering-an-mba-masters-degree-advantages-and-disadvantages-of-the-online-mba-program/ Mon, 11 Dec 2023 07:34:49 +0000 //e-sexcash.com/saudaihoc/?p=3904 In the era of digital technology, online learning has emerged as a flexible and convenient option. However, concerns persist regarding the quality of education and the value of credentials offered by these online programs, especially at the Master’s level. Can one pursue an MBA degree through online means? This article delves into the profound insights regarding the benefits and limitations associated with online learning.

Benefits of Pursuing an MBA Degree Online:

1. Convenience and Flexibility

Pursuing an MBA degree online offers unparalleled convenience and flexibility for individuals with hectic schedules who aspire to advance their careers through further education without disrupting their current professional commitments. With the ability to access coursework from anywhere and at any time, online MBA programs facilitate a harmonious balance between work, family, and education.

2. Time and Cost Savings:

Perhaps the most significant advantage, online MBA programs save considerable time and expense associated with commuting. Accessing top-tier education globally from the comfort of one’s home eliminates the need for physical relocation, enabling individuals to maximize their available time amidst busy schedules.

3. Balancing Flexibility and Educational Quality:

Online MBA programs not only offer flexible scheduling but also uphold the highest standards of education. Many reputable universities and educational institutions provide online MBA programs with curriculum and instructional content equivalent to traditional MBA programs, if not more advanced. Moreover, online platforms facilitate international integration through interactions with foreign faculty, enhancing the overall learning experience.

4. Compatibility with International Programs:

Upon enrolling in an online MBA program, you also gain the opportunity to engage and exchange ideas with a diverse community of MBA students and instructors from various countries.

This provides you with a platform to participate in online discussions, share insights, and learn practical experiences throughout your MBA journey, allowing you to gain a multitude of perspectives not only from the domestic market but also from international arenas.

Consequently, you can confidently showcase your abilities and seize numerous advancement opportunities in your career, especially upon attaining a Master of Business Administration degree.


5. User-Friendly Online Learning Platforms:

With the advancement of modern science and the necessity to devise optimal solutions for learning amidst the pandemic, online learning platforms have continuously improved and progressed. Consequently, online MBA platforms have been researched and introduced with state-of-the-art technology, aiming to create a user-friendly and easily accessible learning environment, even for those less tech-savvy.

All study materials, lecture slides, learning tools, and assessments for your MBA studies are updated on the online platform promptly. This allows you to conveniently access them from any internet-enabled device, facilitating seamless knowledge acquisition. As a result, it ensures the most effective learning outcomes for you.

6. Real-world Experience and Immediate Application:

Many online MBA programs integrate real-world projects and lectures from industry experts. Similarly, the online MBA curriculum endeavors to provide ample opportunities for students to engage with practical scenarios, allowing for immediate application of learned concepts in real-life situations. This ensures enhanced practical applicability of the acquired knowledge and fosters problem-solving skills within the industry.

Limitations of Pursuing an MBA Degree Online:

1. Lack of Direct Communication:

Online MBA learning environments may lack the direct communication between instructors and students, as well as among students themselves, prevalent in traditional classroom settings. This deficiency in face-to-face interaction can diminish the level of engagement and impede the exchange of real-time feedback and ideas, essential components of the learning process.

2. Limited Diversity in Learning Experience:

Online MBA learning may lack diversity in teaching styles and learning experiences compared to traditional classroom settings. The reduced interaction between students and instructors could diminish the diversity in sharing opinions and perspectives.

3. Requirement for Self-motivation and Self-management:

Pursuing an MBA degree online necessitates high levels of self-motivation and strong time management skills from students. For individuals lacking self-discipline and the ability to manage their time effectively, this could lead to feelings of isolation and waning interest in the online learning process.

4. The Ministry of Education and Training has not yet recognized fully online Master of Business Administration (MBA) studies.

Currently, the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam only allows educational institutions to organize online classes for up to 30% of the total program workload, provided they meet the current regulations on the use of information technology in management and online training organization. It is required that the quality of online classes is not inferior to that of traditional face-to-face classes.

Online assessment methods are employed with assurance of reliability, fairness, and objectivity similar to direct assessments. Online assessments contribute no more than 50% of the weightage for course grading, except for thesis and graduation components, as stipulated in Articles 9 and 11 of these regulations.

While online MBA studies offer convenience and flexibility, they also entail certain limitations. For each student, careful consideration of the pros and cons of online MBA education is necessary to ensure that the choice aligns with individual goals and learning styles.


Why HSU – Viện Sau Đại Học & Lãnh Đạo //e-sexcash.com/saudaihoc/en/what-is-a-master-of-business-administration-mba-career-opportunities-after-studying-mba/ Thu, 16 Nov 2023 08:08:12 +0000 //e-sexcash.com/saudaihoc/?p=3915 MBA is a term that garners significant interest and inquiry nowadays. So, what does studying MBA entail? Are the career opportunities truly as ‘glorious’ as we’ve heard? Let’s explore with the Institute of Postgraduate Studies & Leadership.

1. What is an MBA and what does this program entail?

MBA, short for ‘Master of Business Administration,’ is an advanced education program designed for individuals seeking to enhance their knowledge and skills in business management. Alongside foundational knowledge, the program offers specialized tracks tailored to students’ career aspirations. Pursuing a path in graduate education provides students with access to a broader range of knowledge and expands opportunities for future careers. It is regarded as one of the most professional and widely recognized qualifications globally.

A Master of Business Administration (MBA) is one of the avenues for accessing advanced knowledge and adopting a professional working style.

The MBA program comprises numerous essential courses such as:

  • Leadership and Digital Transformation Strategy: Learn how to develop business strategies and leadership skills.
  • Entrepreneurial Finance: Master the knowledge of corporate finance and financial resource management.
  • Marketing Strategy in the Era of Transformation: Understand how to build effective marketing campaigns and engage with customers.
  • Enterprise Resource Management System: Develop skills in managing and allocating enterprise resources optimally and efficiently.
  • Human Resource Management Strategy and Organizational Behavior: Gain insights into human resource management and leadership within organizations.
  • Risk Management: Learn how to predict and address issues that arise during business operations or project management.

Mr. Nguyen Ho Hoai Nam (MBA student, 12th cohort, Hoa Sen University) currently serves as the Head of Startup Services and Innovation at the High-Tech Business Incubator, Management Board of Ho Chi Minh City High-Tech Park, shares his learning experience: “The experiences in the MBA program at HSU have brought me immense value, particularly the connections with high-level executives from corporations and large enterprises such as Saigon Coop, Pharmacity, Kido Group, PNJ,… Through these connections, I have gained additional knowledge and practical experience in business management and operations, as well as fostering a mindset for innovation and creativity within enterprises.”

>> Explore the Master of Business Administration (MBA) program at Hoa Sen University.

2. The competitive advantage of pursuing an MBA

“The MBA degree provides learners with a solid toolkit for adaptation and growth,” shared at the Human Resource Management and Digital Transformation Trends Seminar organized by Former MBA Alumni.

Increasing Income Potential: Mastering management knowledge and skills helps MBA degree holders earn higher incomes compared to bachelor’s degree holders. Their high efficiency at work and ability to adapt to global trends make them deserving of a substantial salary.

Developing Leadership and Management Skills: An MBA helps learners acquire the mindset of leaders and managers, enabling them to efficiently manage people and projects. Therefore, they can become managers or leaders in the future.

Adapting to Global Trends: MBA learners are provided with knowledge of management, leadership, and business analysis, giving them the ability to quickly adapt to economic and financial changes worldwide.

Enhancing Business Acumen: Pursuing an MBA is a step above standard bachelor’s programs, providing learners with deeper and broader knowledge of business and management. This equips them to make sound business decisions and develop sustainable enterprises.

3. Career Opportunities with an MBA Degree

The Graduation Ceremony of the Master’s Program at Hoa Sen University in 2022.

MBA is considered a professional and essential degree in management and business. According to a survey at Hoa Sen University, approximately 95% of MBA students are satisfied with the career development resources they receive after graduation. It can be seen that the career development opportunities after graduation are very promising and extensive. Below are some positions you may be nominated for with an MBA degree:

  • Business Analyst: The main task of a business analyst is to optimize capital and resource allocation in production, create a reasonable production schedule and cost-saving, efficiently manage the supply chain, and develop marketing and product consumption strategies.
  • Business Consultant: Provide solutions and expertise to companies facing operational and managerial challenges. Aim to provide feasible proposals and long-term improvements. For this position, you can work independently with many companies.
  • Project Manager: Oversee and implement projects as outlined. For example, the 2024 university admissions project, project management is responsible for monitoring plans, controlling the quality of activities, and deadlines for project completion. Also responsible for updating the progress of related parties to ensure that the project runs on schedule and achieves the set KPIs.
  • Financial Director: Responsible for managing finances for the business. Develop financial strategies to increase profitability, solve financial problems for the operating department. Update financial status and global financial development trends for the business.
  • Product Manager: The product manager coordinates financial, production, and marketing teams to create a product production and consumption cycle. They are responsible for planning product production under the budget allowed. They also collaborate with the marketing department to promote marketing strategies and determine the product’s outstanding advantages in the market.

MBA is an attractive choice for those looking to advance their careers and business management knowledge. You can choose a suitable place to study that aligns with your goals and then take advantage of the diverse career opportunities that an MBA offers. If you decide to pursue an MBA, carefully research schools and programs to ensure you make the most suitable choice.

Why HSU – Viện Sau Đại Học & Lãnh Đạo //e-sexcash.com/saudaihoc/en/is-pursuing-an-mba-immediately-after-undergraduate-studies-advisable/ Tue, 14 Nov 2023 09:11:28 +0000 //e-sexcash.com/saudaihoc/?p=3956 The decision to pursue a Master of Business Administration (MBA) after completing undergraduate studies is a pivotal and complex one. This article aims to provide insights into the opportunities and challenges associated with undertaking an MBA post-graduation, aiding you in making a well-informed decision.

What does MBA stand for?

Firstly, it’s essential to grasp the essence of MBA. MBA, or Master of Business Administration, commonly known as “Thạc sĩ Quản tr�?Kinh doanh” in Vietnamese, represents an elevated educational pursuit tailored for individuals aspiring to delve into and cultivate expertise and competencies pertinent to business management and leadership within corporate settings.

The MBA curriculum typically encompasses a comprehensive array of specialized courses spanning various dimensions of corporate management, including business strategy, financial management, marketing, project management, human resources management, supply chain management, among other domains. Moreover, MBA places emphasis on nurturing soft skills such as decision-making, problem-solving, communication, and leadership acumen.

The MBA program’s configuration and duration exhibit a spectrum of options, ranging from one to two years, and occasionally extending to three years, contingent upon the institution’s framework and the students’ objectives. Often regarded as a platform for augmenting managerial knowledge and skills, MBA also serves as a conduit for unlocking novel career pathways and fostering professional networks within the business community.

Opportunities Associated with Pursuing an MBA:

1. Advancing Expertise and Skills:

An MBA presents a prime opportunity for continuous learning and the honing of expertise and skills in the realm of business management. This cultivation of knowledge equips individuals to become adept managers suitable for diverse leadership roles within organizations.

2. Access to Diverse Career Paths:

The prestige of an MBA degree resonates strongly within the business landscape, serving as a beacon to recruiters and unlocking a plethora of new avenues for high-level managerial positions. For those aspiring to ascend the ranks of the business world, an MBA can serve as a catalyst for career advancement.

3. Networking and Relationship Building:

A notable advantage of embarking on an MBA journey is the chance to forge invaluable connections within the Master’s student community and the broader business sphere. MBA cohorts often comprise individuals from various disciplines and cultural backgrounds, fostering a rich environment for peer learning. Furthermore, interactions with seasoned professors and industry stalwarts offer valuable insights and mentorship opportunities.

4. Delving into Specialized Domains:

Many individuals opt to pursue an MBA to delve into specific facets of business, such as project management, finance, marketing, or supply chain management. Through focused study and research, an MBA enables individuals to deepen their understanding and proficiency in their chosen area, positioning them as subject matter experts.

5. Synthesizing Interdisciplinary Knowledge:

The MBA curriculum facilitates the integration of insights from diverse fields, fostering a holistic perspective on business challenges and enabling the generation of innovative solutions. This synthesis of knowledge is instrumental in effective management and the formulation of well-informed strategic decisions.

Challenges Associated with Pursuing an MBA:

High Financial Commitment: One of the foremost challenges of embarking on an MBA journey is the substantial financial investment required. MBA programs typically entail significant costs compared to other academic pursuits, necessitating careful consideration of one’s financial resources and long-term repayment prospects.

>> Hoa Sen University is currently enrolling for the 3rd intake of Master’s programs in 2023: Offering scholarships with a total value of up to 2.5 BILLION VND.

Extended Time Commitment: MBA programs often span from 1 to 2 years, demanding a significant time commitment. Balancing the demands of coursework with current professional obligations or personal projects requires meticulous planning and time management skills.

Intense Competition: With the widespread popularity of MBA programs, competition for admission to top-tier institutions can be fierce. Prospective candidates must possess exceptional academic credentials and substantial work experience to distinguish themselves in the highly competitive application pool.

>> Is the MBA investment worthwhile?

In summary, the decision to pursue an MBA following undergraduate studies hinges on individual aspirations and career objectives. It is imperative to thoroughly weigh the advantages and disadvantages, challenges, and opportunities associated with pursuing an MBA to make an informed decision. Here are some insights shared by MBA students at Hoa Sen University:

Why HSU – Viện Sau Đại Học & Lãnh Đạo //e-sexcash.com/saudaihoc/en/top-5-prestigious-universities-offering-mba-programs-in-ho-chi-minh-city/ Tue, 14 Nov 2023 08:35:23 +0000 //e-sexcash.com/saudaihoc/?p=3923 One of the most crucial decisions in your career path could be choosing to pursue an MBA program at a reputable university. In Ho Chi Minh City, there are numerous top universities offering quality MBA programs. Below is the list of the “Top 5 prestigious universities offering MBA programs in Ho Chi Minh City” that you should consider if you’re contemplating advancing your career.

The MBA program is a postgraduate training program accredited by leading accreditation organizations.

1. RMIT – RMIT University Vietnam

RMIT University Vietnam is an international educational institution in Ho Chi Minh City that offers a reputable MBA program. The MBA at RMIT focuses on global management and international management skill development. This makes RMIT a suitable choice for those seeking international career advancement.

Tuition fee: 869,760,000 VND for 16 courses.

2. PSO MBA – University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City

The MBA program at the University of Economics (PSO MBA) has been recognized as one of the leading business education programs in Ho Chi Minh City, designed by a university ranked in the top 1% of the world’s outstanding universities. This program combines theoretical knowledge and practical application, helping students develop a comprehensive understanding of business management and career advancement. PSO MBA equips students with modern knowledge and technology to address complex business challenges, becoming future leaders capable of making a difference in the business world.

PSO MBA offers a flexible MBA program for students, including in-person classes on campus (weekday evenings and weekends) or online to suit individual needs.

Tuition fee: 360,000,000 VND for 18 months of training.

3. Post-University Institute & Leadership – Hoa Sen University

The MBA-HSU program is one of the best choices for students who want to combine specialized knowledge with management skills, recognized by the American quality accreditation organization ACBSP. The MBA program at the Institute is designed based on advanced scientific foundations, maximizing the potential of students to enhance their management and leadership abilities, with the confidence to undertake and excel in important managerial positions within organizations and businesses. Priority is given to teaching in a “real-world experience” direction, emphasizing practical application and high practicality. With an extensive network of businesses, alongside comprehensive and in-depth specialized knowledge in specific industry directions. The teaching staff consists of professors, PhDs, and experts holding high-level leadership positions in large corporations, always ready to accompany students on their MBA journey and the mission they aspire to achieve.

>> Top 3 reasons why you should choose to pursue a master’s degree at Hoa Sen University.

The MBA-HSU also offers a flexible program, allowing students to choose their study schedule during weekdays or on Saturdays and Sundays.

With a tuition fee of: 135,000,000 VND for an 18-month training period, along with various other attractive scholarship programs.

4. University of Hawaii – International University, VNU-HCM

The MBA-Hawaii program is part of the world-leading American education system. Among them, the University of Hawaii at Mānoa is a top-quality educational institution within the Hawaii university system.

The Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA) program at the University of Hawaii (VEMBA) is designed for organizational leaders, business professionals with years of experience, and ambitious individuals seeking advancement.

Tuition fees: up to 553,000,000 VND for a 21-month training period.

5. University of Northampton (United Kingdom) – Foreign Trade University

The MBA program at the Foreign Trade University in partnership with the University of Northampton is delivered by a team of professors from the Foreign Trade University and international experts from reputable businesses.

As one of the master’s programs awarded the GOLD Teaching Excellence Framework 2023 by the UK Government, it is accredited by CABS, CIMA, ACCA, CIPD, and CMI. The MBA-FTU offers flexible weekend and weekday evening programs for students to choose from.

Tuition fees: up to 250,000,000 VND for an 18-month training period.

Choosing the right MBA program depends on your personal and financial goals. Consider factors such as geographic location, curriculum, social network, and career opportunities to ensure you select the most suitable institution for you. Best of luck in finding the right learning environment.

Why HSU – Viện Sau Đại Học & Lãnh Đạo //e-sexcash.com/saudaihoc/en/top-3-reasons-you-should-consider-pursuing-a-masters-degree-at-hoa-sen-university/ Thu, 12 Oct 2023 09:40:02 +0000 //e-sexcash.com/saudaihoc/?p=3973 Contemplating the pursuit of a Master’s degree often entails myriad uncertainties and deliberations regarding its tangible benefits, especially within the context of career stability and personal development. The decision to embark on a Master’s program represents a pivotal juncture in one’s professional trajectory, and at Hoa Sen University, we have curated an optimal academic milieu geared towards fostering intellectual growth, honing skill sets, and nurturing expansive professional networks.

Why Opt for a Master’s Degree at Hoa Sen University?

Elevating Competitiveness through Advanced Credentials

For professionals aspiring to ascend the corporate ladder, augmenting educational credentials and domain expertise is indispensable for bolstering competitiveness in the contemporary job market. A Master’s degree serves not only as a testament to theoretical acumen but also as a testament to the adept application of knowledge in pragmatic scenarios, thereby garnering esteem from prospective employers.

A Master’s degree conferred by Hoa Sen University not only signifies program completion but also functions as a potent instrument for fortifying competitive prowess within the employment landscape. This distinction facilitates the cultivation of a distinguished professional persona, rendering candidates compelling contenders and propelling their endeavors towards employment pursuits, career advancements, or entrepreneurial ventures.

Application-driven Pedagogy, Learning alongside C-suite Dignitaries

Distinguishing itself by its pragmatic pedagogical approach, the Master’s program at Hoa Sen University underscores the practical application of theoretical tenets. Beyond didactic dissemination, the curriculum accentuates hands-on engagement with real-world business paradigms, furnishing students with the requisite skills to navigate contemporary commercial exigencies.

The educational milieu at HSU transcends conventional scholastic paradigms, affording students the opportunity to glean insights from luminary figures within the academic and corporate realms. Our distinguished faculty, comprising seasoned academicians and industry stalwarts—CEOs, CTOs, CMOs, and departmental heads from prestigious institutions and language centers—endow students with not only specialized knowledge but also pragmatic sagacity derived from their illustrious careers.

The Postgraduate & Leadership Institute at Hoa Sen University orchestrates a plethora of workshops, symposia, and networking colloquia, thereby facilitating symbiotic interactions with eminent entrepreneurs and managerial luminaries on both national and international fronts. Such engagements not only engender cross-pollination of ideas but also cultivate a fertile ground for professional networking and mentorship.

Forging Bonds within an Erudite Postgraduate Community, Broadening Vistas of Career Trajectories

Moreover, enrolling in the Master’s program at Hoa Sen University avails students the opportunity to assimilate within a multifaceted and erudite academic fraternity. Herein, students are not mere recipients of knowledge but active participants in a vibrant ecosystem characterized by cultural diversity, cross-disciplinary discourse, and experiential learning.

The camaraderie fostered within our expansive postgraduate cohort—comprising erudite scholars and illustrious alumni—opens avenues not only for knowledge exchange but also for career advancement. Hoa Sen University serves as a nexus for forging professional alliances, scouting employment prospects, and fostering entrepreneurial collaborations. Students are afforded a veritable platform to nurture professional relationships, partake in collaborative ventures, and leverage industry connections towards realizing their career aspirations.

In essence, a Master’s degree from Hoa Sen University transcends the conventional paradigm of scholastic attainment, embodying a transformative journey towards intellectual enlightenment, professional ascendancy, and enduring success.

Why HSU – Viện Sau Đại Học & Lãnh Đạo //e-sexcash.com/saudaihoc/en/is-it-worthwhile-to-invest-in-an-mba/ Thu, 05 Jan 2023 09:34:00 +0000 //e-sexcash.com/saudaihoc/?p=3939 In contemporary times, the pursuit of an MBA (Master of Business Administration) has become increasingly commonplace. For many, opting for an MBA serves not only to deepen their expertise but also as a strategic pathway to career advancement. Amidst inquiries regarding program selection and curriculum specifics, the financial investment required for an MBA often emerges as a pivotal concern. Does the expenditure associated with pursuing an MBA truly justify its value? This discourse endeavors to provide clarity on this pertinent issue.

Tuition Fees for MBA Programs

Varied Tuition Fees

The cost of MBA programs fluctuates depending on numerous factors such as geographical location, the reputation of the institution, scheduling, and learning format. Opting for an MBA at renowned institutions or pursuing studies abroad may incur expenses amounting to hundreds of thousands of US dollars. Nevertheless, MBA programs in Vietnam stand on par with international counterparts, particularly those of high quality and international accreditation. Furthermore, pursuing an MBA in Vietnam offers cost-saving advantages in tuition fees, living expenses, and commuting time.

MBA Tuition Fees in Vietnam

  • Domestic Programs

Domestic MBA programs, offered by local universities, confer degrees upon completion. Tuition fees for these programs typically range from 40 to 70 million VND. However, these standard programs often emphasize academic theory over practical experience, limiting opportunities for students to engage with industry experts. Therefore, individuals seeking cost-effective options may consider these programs.

  • High-Quality Programs

High-quality MBA programs offer students enriched learning experiences, including instruction from esteemed faculty, networking opportunities with corporate leaders, access to state-of-the-art facilities, and updated curricula aligned with industry trends. Correspondingly, tuition fees for these programs are higher, typically ranging from 100 to 200 million VND.

  • International Collaborative Programs

International collaborative MBA programs, a collaboration between local universities and international institutions, offer students an internationally recognized MBA degree while studying in Vietnam. These programs deliver education on par with studying abroad, culminating in an MBA degree from the partner university, globally esteemed. Graduates of these programs possess a competitive edge for international career opportunities. Tuition fees for collaborative programs range from 250 to 400 million VND.

For those concerned about MBA tuition fees, exploring opportunities for financial assistance and scholarships from the institutions is advisable. Many universities offer fee reductions and scholarships tailored for individuals and businesses pursuing an MBA.

>> Hoa Sen University Offers Scholarships for Master’s Program in the 3rd Round of 2023: Total Scholarship Value up to 2.5 BILLION VND

Benefits of Pursuing an MBA

1. Enriching Knowledge Base

An MBA program serves as a catalyst for personal and professional growth, augmenting individuals’ expertise and competencies. Viewed as an investment in oneself, pursuing an MBA equips students with the comprehensive knowledge and skills required to initiate and effectively manage their own ventures. Furthermore, an MBA credential elevates individuals to subject matter experts in their respective domains, enabling them to cultivate a distinguished personal brand.

2. Fostering Extensive Networks

Beyond academic pursuits, many MBA aspirants seek to cultivate a diverse network of potential collaborators and mentors. MBA classrooms serve as dynamic forums for individuals with multifaceted experiences across various industries to exchange insights and practical wisdom that may be scarce elsewhere. Additionally, forging connections with esteemed professors and accomplished peers can pave the way for future partnerships and business opportunities. As articulated by Mr. Nguyen Huu Loc, an MBA participant at Hoa Sen University’s Postgraduate and Leadership Institute, “Engaging with peers of diverse, contemporary, and professional mindsets creates avenues for collaboration and career progression.”

3. Facilitating Career Advancement

Possessing an MBA degree significantly enhances one’s earning potential and career prospects. MBA graduates typically command higher remuneration compared to their counterparts without advanced business qualifications.

In today’s competitive job market, where bachelor’s degrees are commonplace, an MBA credential distinguishes candidates, positioning them as highly sought-after assets. Consequently, individuals with MBA qualifications enjoy preferential treatment and are often favored over similarly experienced peers. Thus, securing an MBA degree is imperative for those aspiring to ascend the corporate ladder and secure roles in prestigious multinational corporations.

Why HSU – Viện Sau Đại Học & Lãnh Đạo //e-sexcash.com/saudaihoc/en/strategic-investment-in-enhancing-competitive-edge-through-a-masters-degree-in-tourism-and-hospitality-management/ Thu, 30 Sep 2021 01:24:00 +0000 //e-sexcash.com/saudaihoc/?p=4026 Ordinarily, when individuals deliberate on selecting an educational institution to further their academic pursuits and augment their knowledge, they meticulously evaluate various academic programs and juxtapose the advantages and distinctions of each institution. Continuing the momentum of successful postgraduate initiatives, in the academic year 2021, Hoa Sen University introduces the Master’s program in Tourism and Hospitality Management to offer learners an additional avenue for elevating their expertise in the field.

The demand for managerial human resources in the tourism service industry.

Today, many localities prioritize tourism as a focal point for economic and social development. However, in reality, the number of personnel at the management level, those who play strategic roles, is still severely lacking. Additionally, tourism associations as well as businesses in the hospitality service sector are in great need of a professionally trained workforce in managerial positions. This presents an opportunity for those who choose to invest in advancing their academic qualifications with a focus on tourism during this period.

Hoa Sen University’s Master’s program in Tourism and Hospitality Management, with its application-oriented and modern approach.

Enrolling in the Master’s program in Tourism and Hospitality Management at Hoa Sen University, students are not only provided with knowledge blocks in economics, management, but also equipped with in-depth knowledge in tourism, hotels, and restaurants policy, communication, and more. Aiming to enhance working capacity in the globalized and modernized environment, the training program is designed to educate tourism managers, hotel managers, service business managers, and management staff at tourism establishments, meeting the demand for mid-level and senior human resources for both the city and Vietnam during the post-Covid period.

The training program is designed to last 18 months, focusing on practicality. Participants in the course are not only provided with in-depth knowledge of the field but also trained in the necessary skills to apply theory into practice. With the guidance of enthusiastic, experienced teaching staff and practical experience, learners have the opportunity to develop their critical thinking abilities, problem-solving skills, and are motivated to unleash their creativity, conduct independent research, and strategize.

Moreover, students also have the opportunity to participate in field trips and observe real-life models of tourism services, restaurants, hotels, etc. Additionally, the university regularly organizes seminars, talk shows, and specialized workshops to help learners share real-life experiences from managers and renowned experts in the industry.

Expanding career opportunities

Hoa Sen University, in general, and its tourism-related training programs have long-established connections with reputable universities and businesses both domestically and internationally. By enrolling in the Master’s program in Tourism and Hospitality Management at the Postgraduate Training Institute, students have the opportunity to meet, exchange professional experiences and realities, as well as update multinational information in the industry through the university’s training partnership networks.

Graduates of the Master’s program in Tourism and Hospitality Management will be equipped with systematic knowledge, useful skills, and sufficient language proficiency to pioneer their careers in the future. Graduates can apply or have more opportunities to compete for managerial positions, strategic consulting, and project management in tourism development projects of state-owned and private organizations. Additionally, students can also participate in teaching at universities or start their own businesses in the tourism, restaurant, and hotel industry.

In the academic year 2021, Hoa Sen University is recruiting for the first Master’s program in Tourism and Hospitality Management with many attractive tuition fee incentives and scholarships.

For further information and to receive application documents:

Postgraduate Training Institute – Hoa Sen University

  • Address: 8 Nguyen Van Trang, Ben Thanh Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City
  • Phone number: (028) 7309 1991 (Ex 11522)
  • Hotline: 0909594757 – 0376571204
Why HSU – Viện Sau Đại Học & Lãnh Đạo //e-sexcash.com/saudaihoc/en/mba-business-administration-addressing-high-level-human-resource-demands-in-the-industry-4-0-era/ Mon, 27 Sep 2021 01:35:00 +0000 //e-sexcash.com/saudaihoc/?p=4032 With a rich history of over 30 years, Hoa Sen University takes great pride in offering a plethora of quality educational programs catering to both undergraduate and postgraduate students. In 2021, the Postgraduate Training Institute at Hoa Sen University introduced the MBA program – Master of Business Administration, featuring several updates to align with the current global landscape and meet the high-level manpower demands in the Vietnamese market.

MBA – Business Administration

Anticipating High-Level Workforce Demands in the Era of Industry 4.0

Human Resource Management in the Fourth Industrial Revolution

The profound impact of the Fourth Industrial Revolution on business development and the broader societal economy necessitates strategic adaptations by managers across both private and state economic domains. Amidst the shifting dynamics of labor forces towards modernization and digitization, proactive strategies are imperative.

Human Resource 4.0 (HR 4.0) denotes a strategic framework concerning human capital and organizational dynamics within the Fourth Industrial Revolution landscape. As enterprises embark on transformative journeys and workforce recalibration, strategic leaders must seize emerging opportunities afforded by novel technologies—such as digitization and automation—to bolster competitiveness. This entails optimizing operational processes, enhancing labor productivity, and orchestrating comprehensive staff training initiatives to unlock their full potential.

Furthermore, the digital paradigm shift precipitates a reevaluation of the roles and functions associated with numerous HR positions, elevating standards for expertise and competencies among personnel. Consequently, governments, businesses, and individuals must champion lifelong learning objectives while devising holistic strategies and programs to facilitate skills retraining and upskilling across diverse professional spectra.

MBA – Business Administration at Hoa Sen University: Navigating the Digital Economy Landscape

The Fourth Industrial Revolution and the attendant socio-economic flux demand foresight and acumen from management cadres to formulate and execute tailored strategic frameworks conducive to the digital economy milieu. Fusing management methodologies to craft strategic blueprints encompassing human resources, financial stewardship, and risk mitigation.

The Master of Business Administration program at Hoa Sen University’s Postgraduate Training Institute furnishes students with a comprehensive comprehension of management paradigms and emergent trends, complemented by specialized coursework in Digital Economics and Big Data applications. The MBA concentration in Business Administration pledges to impart invaluable subject-matter expertise in enterprise governance and operation, imparting real-world insights and fostering indispensable leadership proficiencies among its participants.

Application-Oriented Pedagogy

Pivoting on a pragmatic ethos, the Master of Business Administration curriculum at Hoa Sen University is meticulously crafted to strike a harmonious equilibrium between imparting theoretical foundations and cultivating problem-solving prowess and adaptive application competencies requisite for real-world business contexts.

>> Refer to the MBA – Business Administration training program

�?a href="//e-sexcash.com/saudaihoc/en/tuition-fee-discounts-for-students-registering-for-admissions-2021/">>> Opportunity to win a scholarship worth 30 million VND

Throughout the program duration, students will benefit from instruction by a distinguished cadre of erudite instructors boasting extensive industry experience. Moreover, the university routinely hosts workshops and industry symposia, featuring luminaries and accomplished entrepreneurs. Capitalizing on the university’s robust network of experts, business magnates, and alumni associations, students partaking in the program stand to gain access to alumni forums, scientific research colloquiums, international summits, and more.

Hoa Sen University invites applications for the 10th cohort of the Master of Business Administration program for the academic term 2021 – 2022, offering an array of tuition fee incentives and coveted scholarships.

For further inquiries and application submissions, kindly direct correspondence to:

Postgraduate Training Institute – Hoa Sen University

  • Address: 8 Nguyen Van Trang, Ben Thanh Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City
  • Phone: (028) 7309 1991 (Ext. 11522)
  • Hotline: 0909594757 – 0376571204