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Hoa Sen University


Students with Master’s degrees in Business Administration (MBA), English Language (MAE) and Travel & Tourism Management (MAT) need to complete the Internship module to be eligible to graduate from the program. Students please read the following instructions carefully:


Article 1. The purpose of the master’s degree internship

Purpose of the Internship module in Master programs:

– Experience working environment;
– Apply the knowledge and skills collected in the curriculum to actual tasks in workplace;
– Learn, practice working style and behave in working relationships in workplace.

Article 2. Internship duration

Students do full-time internships outside the school for 8 weeks (6 weeks of internship + 2 weeks of report writing) for internships, according to the working hours of the internship workplace.

Article 3. Registration conditions and requirements during the internship

1. Conditions to apply an internship:

– Students need to achieve from 30 out of 60 credits of the master program. In particular, depending on each major, students must accumulate a number of compulsory courses, specifically:

  • Master of Business Administration (MBA):
    • Course Advanced Research Method – 4 credits
    • 2 Courses in Required Major Block – 6 credits
  • Master of Arts: English Language (MAE):
    • Course Research Method in Applied Language – 3 credits
    • 3 courses in Required Major Block – 9 credits
  • Master of Arts: Tourism (MAT):
    • Course Advanced Research Method – 4 credits
    • 2 Courses in Required Major Block – 8 credits

– Students have a instructor to guide their dissertation and are approved by the Program Director and the Institute of Graduate Studies & Leadership.

2. Requirements during the internship

  • Fulfill work requirements at the internship site like a real employee, proficiently apply learned knowledge to real work;
  • Ensure labor discipline, seriousness, carefulness and responsibility in work;
  • Practice teamwork skills, build friendly and harmonious relationships with everyone at the unit, and demonstrate the true spirit of service attitude and professional conscience of an employee.

Article 4. Register and choose an internship unit

– Students who are eligible for internships (According to Article 3 in this guide) will contact the Institute of Graduate  Studies & Leadership for instructions on registration and arrangement of internship facilities in the right direction of research.

– Students can actively propose an internship company/business (internship facility) but must be suitable for the major, field of study and research, approved by the Institute of Postgraduate & Leadership, the internship facility.

– After students complete the internship registration:

  • Students who are eligible for internships (According to Article 3 in this guide) will contact the Institute of Graduate Studies & Leadership for instructions on registration and arrangement of internship facilities in the right direction of research.
  • Students can actively propose an internship company/business (internship facility) but must be suitable for the major, field of study and research, approved by the Institute of Postgraduate & Leadership, the internship facility.

  • After students complete the internship registration:

    • For students of MBA program:

      • Internship at a workplace (a company that is legal and suitable for the direction of study) or an internship at the Institute of Graduate Studies & Leadership.
    • For students of MAE program:
      • Internship at a workplace (if working at a school, education institution and legal translation) or internship in university classes at Hoa Sen University.
    • For students of MAT program:

      • Internship at a workplace (a company that is legal and suitable for the direction of study) or an internship project of Faculty of Hospitality Management at Hoa Sen University

Article 5. Supervisor the internship situation

During the internship, if there is a problem that needs support, students can contact the Instructor and Program Director.


Article 6. Internship outline

Students practice according to the school’s outline. The outline must include the following contents:

  • Internship purpose
  • Internship contents
  • Internship progress
  • Internship assessment

Article 7. Personal internship project

  • According to the school’s model
  • Attach the internship report after completing the internship.

Article 8. Internship process

  • Students must practice according to the outline.
  • If for some reason, the outline is impossible or difficult to implement, students must consult the lecturer in charge of the internship to find remedies.


Article 9. Internship discipline

During the internship, students shall:

  • Comply with assignment decisions, internship regulations of the University and workplace.
  • Work as a professional employee.
  • Under the direction of instructors at the workplace. When the Instructor’s instructions are different from this direction, priority must be given to complying with the workplace’s instructions and notice to the Instructor.
  • Students are not allowed to arbitrarily change your internship location.
  • If for personal reasons, students are unable to complete the internship, they shall notice it in writing to the Institute and the internship workplace.
  • Propose to the Institute any the quality improvement and effectiveness of internships

Article 10. Demeanor

  • Always keep a humble, demanding attitude. Internships are not only for professional study but also a good opportunity to practice working in a collective, especially in the field of communication and behavior.
  • Always be honest in words and actions.
  • Keep solidarity and harmony with other staffs at the internship workplace.
  • Style, dress is always neat and polite.

Article 11. Use of facilities

  • Comply with the regulation of the internship workplace on the use of facilities (including computers), not to be arbitrary or wasteful in use.
  • If there are any damage of workplace due to student’s irresponsibility, students shall discipline and compensate for the damage.
  • Prohibit to bring own disk into workplace in order to prevent virus attack working computer. Do not copy workplace’s software intentionally.


Article 12. Internship report for master’s program

  • After the internship, students must make a report according to regulations. When internship in groups, students must have a separate report, showing the work of each individual student.
  • The report must be printed by computer on A4 paper, packed in a book with a cover according to the Institute form. The graduation report must be made in two books, one kept by the student and one submitted to the Institute.
  • The report must be approved by the workplace receiving the internship, must have the comment of the instructor on the first page of the report and submit it on the Institute schedule.

Article 13. Internship points

The internship total point of the student includes the following parts:

– Internship workplace point accounted for 20%
– Instructor assessment point accounted for 40%
– Internship report point accounted for 40%

Partial and total point shall be rounded to 01 decimal digit according to education regulations. Students with an internship total score below 5.5 shall intern again.

Article 14. Sanctions

Students shall

– be minus from 1 to 5 internship point if

  • Submit the report that is overdue.
  • Do not return to the University according to Return Decision
  • Take an internship leave without permission
  • Violation of the regulations of the internship workplace
  • Other violations according to the Faculty’s regulations

– Bị điểm 0 môn thực tập nếu có một điểm thành phần bằng 0

– 0 point for Intern Module if there are any 0 points in partial points

– Be warned, suspend the internship and receive 0 points of the internship if:

  • Take more than 30% off from the internship.
  • Change the internship workplace intentionally.
  • Có những biểu hiện không tốt về đạo đức, tác phong tại nơi thực tập, ảnh hưởng xấu đến uy tín của trường.
  • Have bad mindset and behavior at the internship workplace, adversely affecting the reputation of the University.
  • Infiltrate the computer network and steal the information of the internship workplace.
  • Cheating, copying other student’s reports.
  • Failure to fulfill the tuition.
  • Other cases as prescribed by the Faculty.


>> Plan to implement the internship module 2023 – 2024

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