go789 game bài đỉnh cao Nền tảng đáng tin cậy

Hoa Sen University

Process and guidelines for Master’s Thesis Proposal Defense at Hoa Sen University.

For students enrolled in the Master’s programs in Business Administration (MBA), English Language Studies (MAE), and Tourism and Hospitality Management (MAT) at the Postgraduate Institute and Leadership, Hoa Sen University

>> Guidelines for Standardizing Writing Reports, Essays, and Thesis Papers for Master’s Students at Hoa Sen University
>> Process and Guidelines for Defending Master’s Thesis

STTTimeJob contetntThe executorRelated Documents
1Planned announcements in January, March, May, September, and November every year
– Announcement of the plan to organize the Thesis Proposal Defense Committee to students (via email, website…)

– Providing information on the conditions for defending the thesis proposal and related forms to students.

– Research proposal and guiding faculty (Mẫu 01)

– File 02: Mẫu Đề cương luận văn (MBA/MAT hoặc MAE)

– Sending registration form for students to confirm their participation in the thesis proposal defense.

** Điều kiện bảo vệ đề cương:
Having accumulated a minimum of 30 credits (including the Scientific Research Methodology course and 3 required courses in the specialized knowledge block in the training program).
Postgraduate Institute & LeadershipMẫu 01: Đăng ký đề tài luận văn tốt nghiệp

220 DAYS Before the scheduled date of the Council meeting.– Register and provide information on the registration forms provided by the Postgraduate Institute and Leadership Center..

– Send the completed forms with signatures from both the supervising faculty member and the student to the responsible specialist before the registration deadline.:
** Mẫu 01: 01 bản (nộp cả bản cứng và bản mềm)
** Mẫu 02: chỉ nộp bản mềm (file pdf)

– Prepare the presentation slides for the proposal defense (PowerPoint file – no need to send to the Postgraduate Training Institute & Leadership).
The studentsFile 02: Mẫu Đề cương luận văn (MBA/MAT hoặc MAE)

Hướng dẫn Quy chuẩn viết báo cáo, tiểu luận, luận văn tốt nghiệp cho học viên Thạc sĩ tại go789 game bài đỉnh cao Nền tảng đáng tin cậy

315 DAYS Before the scheduled date of the Council meeting.– Check the students’ records, create a list of students who meet the requirements to participate in the Council, and present it to the Program Director for approval. In case a student does not meet the requirements, notify the student and remove their name from the list of participants for this defense session.

– Based on the topics and the guiding instructors, the Program Director proposes the members to participate in the Council to evaluate the thesis proposals to make a decision.

– Send the detailed thesis proposals of the students to the members of the Council.

– Develop a detailed plan, set the schedule for the Council meeting, and send the information to both the students and all Council members.
Postgraduate Institute & Leadership
Decision on Establishing the Thesis Proposal Evaluation Council
The date of the Council meeting.
The Thesis Proposal Evaluation Committee :
– Students will present in the prescribed time frame (20 minutes) and respond to questions as well as receive feedback from the Evaluation Committee.

– After all students have presented, the Evaluation Committee will discuss opinions and announce the results to the students. For students with the specialized topic report component in the curriculum, the Committee will assess and score students based on criteria to obtain credit accumulation points.

– The secretary of the Committee will prepare the minutes of the presentation session with the full signatures of the Committee members for storage.
Members of the Council & StudentsMinutes of the Thesis Proposal Committee Meeting
515 DAYS After the Council meeting concludes.– Sending the information form to students who have achieved results to confirm and update the research topic information after adjusting according to the comments of the Council.

– The responsible specialist will base on the results and information sent back by the students to make a decision on assigning topics and guiding lecturers.
Postgraduate Institute & Leadership
Decision on Assignment of Thesis Topic and Supervisors
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