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Hoa Sen University


Many people, after graduating from university or after several years of working, feel that their current field is no longer suitable for them and want to make a change. However, stepping into a new environment often requires having a degree, which is why pursuing a Master of Business Administration (MBA) has become a popular choice. Nevertheless, there are still some doubts about whether one should pursue an MBA in a different field. This article will help you explore what you need to know about pursuing an MBA in a different field and whether it is the right decision for your career development.

1. New and Diverse Career Opportunities

Many individuals still worry whether pursuing an MBA in a different field would pose challenges and question whether it’s worth it. Let go of those doubts because pursuing an MBA in a different field opens up many new opportunities and diversifies your career prospects.

Rather than sticking to a specific path, you can apply your skills and knowledge across various industries. The more diverse your knowledge, the more opportunities arise, making you versatile and valuable in the eyes of employers.

2. Enhanced Job Search Abilities

In the era of Industry 4.0, the job market demands diversity, and having specialized skills from multiple fields can make you an ideal candidate for various positions. Besides specialized knowledge, holding a master’s degree in business administration makes you stand out among other candidates because through an MBA, you acquire specialized knowledge and management skills necessary to become leaders and adept team leaders.

A prime example of the benefits of pursuing an MBA in a different field is Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google Inc., who holds an engineering degree from Kharagpur Institute of Technology and an MBA from the University of Pennsylvania.

3. Development of Self-Learning and Creative Thinking Skills

Pursuing an MBA in a different field not only involves acquiring new knowledge but also requires the development of self-learning and creative thinking skills. The ability to quickly grasp and process information from various fields is a crucial skill that you can accumulate through studying in a different field.

Even if your previous field of study is not directly related to business management issues such as administration, economics, marketing, finance, acquiring knowledge in these areas can significantly benefit you in today’s era.

Benefits of Pursuing an MBA in a Different Field

1. Diverse Skill Set

Studying for an MBA in a different field provides a diverse skill set, making you adaptable and capable of facing various challenges in today’s diverse business environment.

2. Expanding Networking Opportunities

You will have the opportunity to expand your network with individuals from various fields. Meeting and exchanging ideas with experienced business professionals will provide you with practical knowledge to apply to your own business in the future. This not only creates career opportunities but also provides a comprehensive understanding of the current business market.

3. Career Advancement Opportunities

An MBA in a different field can be the key to unlocking career advancement opportunities. The diversity of skills and knowledge will make you unique and highly valued by employers. Not everyone has the motivation to pursue an MBA after graduation or after years of working, especially opting for an MBA in a different field.

This demonstrates that you are highly ambitious and adept at seizing opportunities for yourself. Having an MBA will make you more confident in applying to large companies and corporations, or even better, in managing and leading your own business.

Insights from Ms. La Kim Yến – MBA student, 4th cohort

4. Considerations When Choosing to Pursue an MBA in a Different Field

Although there are many benefits to pursuing an MBA, studying for an MBA in a different field also presents challenges. You may face difficulties in absorbing new knowledge and competing with experienced individuals in that field. The key is to have patience and commitment to overcome these challenges.

So, should you pursue an MBA in a different field?

Studying in a different field is not just a decision but also a new adventure in your career, especially pursuing an MBA in a different field. If you weigh your options and prepare thoroughly, this can lead you to new heights and unexpected opportunities.

The decision to pursue an MBA in a different field depends on your personal goals and passions. If you want to challenge yourself and broaden your business vision, this may be the right step. However, the most important thing is to ask yourself whether you are ready to invest the necessary time and effort.

If you’re still unsure whether you’re suitable for pursuing an MBA in a different field, don’t worry because some institutions today understand the concerns of students and have opened experiential classes to help those who intend to pursue an MBA gain a better understanding of what it entails.

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